which is better???


New member
honestly is trainz 2012 better than TANE??? i really don't feel like updating and doin all these things when there is a game (2012) out there that is working perfectly fine. SOOOOOO DISAPPOINTED IN TANE right now.
honestly is trainz 2012 better than TANE??? i really don't feel like updating and doin all these things when there is a game (2012) out there that is working perfectly fine. SOOOOOO DISAPPOINTED IN TANE right now.

It depends on your hardware and your interests. For certain combinations TANE is better.

Cheerio John
If you actually had TS12 ... But it appears you don't

You could build routes in TS12 ... and test them out in T:ANE

I actually still use good old TRS2006 for surveyor tracklaying ... and I plan on testing my 06 routes in TS10, and TS12 ... and eventually T:ANE (which I have, but my PC is not 64bit)

TS10 and TS12 won't run on my "Beater" integrated graphics laptop

You could post your PC specs here:
Don't be mislead by all the anti TANE comments you see here, those sort of things get said after every release !

If you think you are going to get a, somehow, vastly superior product in TS12 you are wrong - TS12 was a culmination of 10 years development and as such it's the most complete and rounded so far. TANE is a completely new game 'engine' and allows for much better visuals and other features, not all of which are implemented or used in the current SP1 HF2 version but the potential is there.

If I were you I'd stick with TANE and post questions about your problems on this forum so that you can get help with them.

Updating TANE if you are on an earlier build is quite straightforward and I think the whole thing will auto update now, so you don't need to do any more than click a few buttons.


honestly is trainz 2012 better than TANE??? i really don't feel like updating and doin all these things when there is a game (2012) out there that is working perfectly fine. SOOOOOO DISAPPOINTED IN TANE right now.

I would actually ask you to quantify your use of "Better" first? Better in what way? Neither sim is Perfect. Both have their moderately well documented problems (T:ANE = Less well documented for obvious reasons).

I Spent a solid 2-3 Years in TS12 61388. Perfectly fine Sim for its day. I have the Machine now to run the new engine that comes with T:ANE so I will update and upgrade. I Like alot of the new features that come with T:ANE, and check the TANE Forum for the problems I find. Because just like how TS12 still had problems when N3V dropped it, T:ANE will too. Problem for me By the by is anything from a major fault to a minor annoyance that I have to put up with during my usage experience of the game. If you really want a list of those for either or both sims feel free to ask, though I will refrain for now because it quickly gets into Opinion/preference.

For what its worth I would suggest that with the right computer T:ANE is capable of provides the superior simulation experience however without it T:ANE at times can become quite frustrating to the point of being annoying.

It was few months before I actually switched from TS2012 to T:ANE although I had migrated a large creation started in the early days of TS2012 at the earliest opportunity to see if it would work and with minor tinkering it did. What I miss most is the ability to tinker with my ongoing creation on the most under powered laptop imaginable when away from home. Peter