Where have they gone ????


New member
Hi All
I have a layout which I run to a schedule timetable covering a whole week, this is broken down into approx 8 daily sessions " Sunday 1, Sunday 2 and so on.
My problem is that often when I finish a session then come out and go back in via " driver saved sessions " things have changed, ie locos have changed livery, loaded wagons are now not loaded.
Does anyone have any idea why this happens sometimes.
It is random and not always on the same sessions
I run TRS2006
Hi Pj,

IMHO this is because the way Trainz runs sessions. Which is to start all rules defined for that session at the beginning of the session. While you may delay the execution of a rule by making it a child rule of a rule that waits for a trigger to fire all the others rules are running. When you save an operating session using the save function it appears Trainz has no way to take a "snapshot" of the current situation regards to all things that are going on. I don't know what it does save but it is less than complete. Therefore when you restart a saved session some events that happened are unknown or forgotten depending on the moment you saved. I have seen sessions that have builtin save points at which you can save the session and return to it without a problem. The Marias Pass (payware) route has one such session. In general, trying to restart a saved session is not a good idea. I have seen sessions at the Razorback Railway that are broken into parts of a day so that the end of one session is matched at the beginning of the next session so that to the player it appears to be seamless. Maybe this is what you want to do, make a series of short sessions that dovetail into each other but are self contained and don't require saving. Hope this helps.

Hi William
Thanks, I don't think I explained it too well. I have all my session following on from each other, I only broke them down to make it easier on myself. The first session is simply called " Start up " and I do not do anything on this session other than move a couple of locos so I can get a save. Lets take the BBA wagon as example I have them all at the start and in surveyor liveried for EWS. So I play out session 1 and save it. then go back to session 1 do more moves and save as session 2 and so on. Its a strict schedule timetable where I do the exact same moves in each given session.
When I want to play I can pick any session and know where everything is at the start of that session and everything is always where it should be, but sometimes and randomly the said EWS wagons are now various liveries ie Railfreight, loadhaul etc. They are in the right place but the livery has changed.
I hope this is clearer for you
When all stock is where I want it I go from surveyor to driver and save as " start up " I then come out go back into driver, follow my " paper sequence timetable " then save as session 1, when I go back I load session 1 and carry on the timetable then save as session 2 and so on. I'm following a " on paper timetable. so moves in each session I follow exactly as written down. ie if the third movement of session 3 is say train A to coal mine then it will always be the third move, I do not vary from the sequence so when I've finished with session I just come out with no save as every thing is as it was before I started.
I'm not sure I'm explaining this very well, its very simple inside my head but having trouble getting it across.
Its exactly how I used to run my " Model Railway " a sequence timetable move by move and always the same.
I onlt need to do each session once after that I just go to whatever session I fancy and follow it, then when finished I come out and the session is still there just as when I first did it, no changes to it at all
When I want to play I can pick any session and know where everything is at the start of that session and everything is always where it should be, but sometimes and randomly the said EWS wagons are now various liveries ie Railfreight, loadhaul etc. They are in the right place but the livery has changed.
The wagons have probably not ben scripted to save the state of the skins when the session is saved. Pity, it's really quite easy.


It is what I thought. You're running into a limitation of Trainz. Using "Save" in Driver doesn't always save the state of all the assets at that moment in time. Think of something like the level of water in your tender. As you drive, the level goes down. When you save in driver, if the tender wasn't created to work with the save session feature then the water level returns to the default level when you restart the session. Sounds like that is what is happening to your rolling stock.

The "proper" way to do what you're doing is to use surveyor to setup the beginning of each of your session and then save it from within surveyor. The problem is that you can't just save the end of a driving session to begin the next session in surveyor. It would be cool if you could.

My advice is keep doing what you're doing but maybe find rolling stock that works with your method. Just have fun.

Hi Paul
Thanks for clarification, if its easy. then yes it is sad.

Hi William
Thanks for all your help/ideas on this one, my layout is far too big and has so many movements in each session I'd spend an age setting each session up, theres 58 of them !!!
It does not stop me running it or it running really well it was just an annoying thing and I thought I'd see if anyone had an answer.