Where did it go?


New member
Working on a modification to one of my layouts, everything was going fine until one day, when I started trainz and found that it had totally disappeared from the surveyors list, although it was still in the folder. I noticed that the config file was empty. and in TO nearly all the assets had gone too.
Are you using TRS2006?

This is a known bug in TRS2006. It happens periodically to some users. There is no solution or known cause. Sometimes the routes and assets come back on their own a month or two later for no apparent reason.

To avoid this, many users do their route building in TRS2004, which is much more stable and does not suffer from the disappearing route bug. But backup your files as much as possible.
I didn't realise I had omitted to mention that I was using TRS2004, but I figured that by using TO it may have been noticed.:o I dont think TO works with 2006. The section I am working on is Cholsey to Wallingford, and its only about 2 miles, so its not that much of a big deal, more of a nuisance. It is an update to my basic Paddington to Bristol sections, but with a lot more detail. (I hope).
Have you tried putting another config file in? The other files might be OK. I think you will find that the last save was interupted so did not complete its save. TO wont show the assets as they would have been in the config file. I dont know if putting another config file in will let the config list all the assets again but its worth a try.
It does look like the layout folder has become corrupted somehow. Did you have a back-up of the layout?

Try deleting the dispatcher.chump file to sss if that restores the asset.

What else is in the map folder?
Stagecoach, there have been a few occasions when my system has 'frozen' and the only way I could recover was to hit the big button on the front. The drive is only used for Trainz, so as far as I'm aware there are no conflicting programs. I think I may save all the assets, etc., and do a clean reinstall, in case I have accidently corrupted one of the program files. Like I said earlier, it is more of a nuisance than catastrophy as it only involves about 8-10 boards. Regretably I didn't have a backup:'( . as it was quite a small file I didn't see it was necessary at the time. :o . I am not using Vista, but XP Pro with all updates etc. I have removed all the chump files, but this didn't solve anything either.