Where are Strasburg-served industries?

I have been wondering for some time where the industries are on Strasburg. There is a siding that you pass on the ride, and in the parking lot there is a siding that a center beam was parked on when I visited, I think that could have been a team track. So, where are the industries Strasburg serves?
They just have the team track in Strasburg. They get in anywhere from 5-15 cars when they run up to the interchange at Paradise for the team track so there is a pretty fair amount of freight moving in there.
I did some more research and found that they have a team track, machinery ramp, and lumber unloading and storage facility in Strasburg. They are all operated by Strasburg and are not private industries.

http://www.google.com/maps/place/St...2!3m1!1s0x89c639eb5d0e7f53:0x22060f7dcde3cf03-Overhead view

Edited screenshot with labels:

Strasburg's freight website:

Also, I think the lumber dock might just be a general cargo dock.
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It goes to the left, I remember when I was little we were going to a restaurant after strasburg, and there was more track. It is now a storage track/switchback to museum.