What's wrong with Jointed Rail

I was not using this as a way too get Jointed Rail ticked off, but it was to see if people where experiencing the same as I did and point out to Jointed Rail the Problem. The new site is very good design for holding the highest of content though the registration just to download freeware is crazy

You think this is hard?
Obviously you haven't tried Gatekeeper...

I am having continued difficulty logging into the JointedRail site.

My UN and PW are not alowing me in.

The Token in my E-Mail is not valid.

The Contact: opens up an E Mail provider that does not allow transmission of E Mail
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Jointed Rail is working perfectly for me. Today, I successfully created a new account, and downloaded some locomotives. I also plan on getting two of their payware locos.
Right now I'm taking a web design class that is eating up a big part of my time. This plus working now has really eaten up my time!

Hi John and Everybody.
Great to hear from you John as your disappearance from the forums means we lost one of the great advisers and debaters on here. As for working, I think it is time you joined me in retirement or semi-retirement which I find extremely enjoyable.

I have just installed the latest version of my speech to text software so you and everybody else will be glad to hear that I can now do even longer postings for everybody to enjoy

So hurry up and finish the course so we can debate the future of railways, the world and anything else that comes up, thereby taking up even more space on the forum until our hearts are content.

All the best
Jointed Rail is working perfectly for me. Today, I successfully created a new account, and downloaded some locomotives. I also plan on getting two of their payware locos.

Using my old E Mail address the site would not let the token, or my old UN & PW in.
It also would not let me reset my UN & PW, nor refresh or create a new account.
It said Token invalid, UN & PW not the same as registered.
The E Mail sent me lost UN & lost PW, but it would not enter sucsessfully.

So I entered an alternate E Mail address, and newly registered under that alternate E Mail address, and it went through.
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i had a small problem before the web change but the problem was fixed and i have nothing but good things concerning jointed rail.
i have purchased nine locomotives, 1 was a three pack, and after paypal does its thing you have your engines.
the only thing i can complain about is the camo up doesn't have flashing ditchlights.
the engines are superb and you don't have to wait for them at all.
if ns37 is following this thread i sure hope you have ac4400 csx in the kitchen.
enough gimme pig. your locos are really nice.
i had a small problem before the web change but the problem was fixed and i have nothing but good things concerning jointed rail.
i have purchased nine locomotives, 1 was a three pack, and after paypal does its thing you have your engines.
the only thing i can complain about is the camo up doesn't have flashing ditchlights.
the engines are superb and you don't have to wait for them at all.
if ns37 is following this thread i sure hope you have ac4400 csx in the kitchen.
enough gimme pig. your locos are really nice.

i am following it... i didnt put flashing ditchlights on that UP unit because i figured it didnt have them since ditchlights were relatively new at the time it was on the rails. if you really want them, go into its config and change the ditchlight entry to a value of 1. :)

p.s. i will close the gap between the ES44 and the C30-7s available - soon.
Got a question for you

Jointed Rail is working perfectly for me. Today, I successfully created a new account, and downloaded some locomotives. I also plan on getting two of their payware locos.

I just joined JR last night and found that there is a thing called a Download-ID which I did not receive any notification of. Apparently, you need the Download ID to access the Download area - makes sense, BUT, where does one obtain this Download ID?