What no Christmas/Holiday screenshot thread?

A Conrail hot mail train slams the LE&E diamonds at track speed in Baker Falls, Michigan in December, 1997. In the background, a power move heads past the mail train and into the teeth of the storm towards the ex-Michigan Central yard in Barnesboro.

Fantastic shot!!
A Southern Pacific woodchip train with a GE DEMO C44-9W leader heads through a mountainous, snowy, winter wonderland.

Enjoying the shots. I remember back in 04 there were several XMAS routes, one had a station and town square all decked out for the session.

Enjoying the shots. I remember back in 04 there were several XMAS routes, one had a station and town square all decked out for the session.


I've been working on importing some of these into T:ANE but sadly many of the flashing lights do not seem to work in tane. Ah well the price of progress I guess.
There's one Christmas song that always makes me picture a steam train in a night blizzard on the Holly Sub... Maybe I'll post shots of it later.
Well this is turning out to be quite a Christmas for all us trainzers! Two amazing narrow gauge routes, the very nearly almost completely Trainz: A New Era Service Pack One, and...

a gift to us all from ZecRail:

and wait, who is that engineer?

I do believe that's Zec himself dressed as Santa and Tony as the fireman!
T'was a dark and stormy night and not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse!

(It's a pretty cool session too!)

Thank you ZecRail and N3V! It has been a tough year but it is nearly over and next year looks to be bringing us all wonders.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good year.

M216 departs Lilydale in a bright summer's morning light with a Christmas Train to Healesville.

Merry Christmas all, I hope everyone has a fantastic day :)

I hope everyone enjoys the Christmas train this year, it was a lot of fun putting it together :)

So what Trainz stuff did you all get for Christmas?

I got these!

ZecRail's Chistmas Train 2012 and 2013, yay! These loaded into TS12 with no issues but importing them into T:ANE is proving problematic.

(Nice video jonwray!)
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I didn't get any Trainz stuff,but got some railroad/model railroad stuff. (A railroad folklore book, a TRP and Trains Magazine subscription, an HO scale NS SW1500, a few HO freight cars, and a Walthers building kit.)
I didn't get any Trainz stuff,but got some railroad/model railroad stuff. (A railroad folklore book, a TRP and Trains Magazine subscription, an HO scale NS SW1500, a few HO freight cars, and a Walthers building kit.)

Wow, that's some good stuff! (I always liked the Walthers stuff back when I had space for such things.)