What is your favourite route?


New member
Hey all. I have some space on my hard drive and I'm ready to give the CMP a little exercise, so I'm looking for some routes to download. What is your favourite?

Can be any region, any era, passenger or freight. I like 'em all.

I'll start by suggesting the BN Prairie Du Chien Sub by CincySouthernRwy, kuid:45588:100239. It's a small map with a real model railroad feel to it and I've been having fun recently running trains around it. I still have two missing dependencies but it doesn't affect the operation at all that I've noticed.

So that's my suggestion. What's yours?


It doesn't say on your Avatar where you live in the world young man...I guess you are American therefore it maybe unwise for me to offer any British, European, Australian layouts, unless you are a mad railway fanatic that would like to see these routes as well ????
Are you also interested in just freight or passenger trains and what version of Trainz do you use please ??
Expand your idea for us and many answers will flood in.....

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
It doesn't say on your Avatar where you live in the world young man...I guess you are American therefore it maybe unwise for me to offer any British, European, Australian layouts, unless you are a mad railway fanatic that would like to see these routes as well ????
Are you also interested in just freight or passenger trains and what version of Trainz do you use please ??
Expand your idea for us and many answers will flood in.....

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.

You're a New Yorker, right Rob? Your preference would be American routes. I like vintage industrial like Steam Track and Industrail 1a/8a.
Hi Rob,

My favourite route? Hmm, I think that depends...I am more into route building so I don't drive routes as much as I should. That being said, I would probably say that at this point, my favourite route is the Toronto Lakeshore West by Neilsmith249? sp? It's a very realistic and accurate representation of the Lakeshore West corridor that runs from Oakville to downtown Toronto. Yes, I'm biased because I used to ride that line as a child (and my folks still live near there) but I do think it is a good route. It's not too hard on the frame rates, has some great detail and I think it could be a lot of fun to play with! I'd say Westhaven Trams sp? would be a close second (even though it's a route with trams, the detail is astounding, but alas a bit hard on my comp wrt framerates).

Currently however, I'm really liking Euphod's Regional Passenger Transit layout. Perhaps it is the snow (and it being winter in the Northern Hemisphere) or the simple concept of two big cities tied together by a rail line that makes it fun to drive on. :)

BTW, I'd LOVE to hear from others around the world what their favourite routes are, even if they aren't in North America. I think all of us have a love for trains and can respect them no matter where they are or what they pull! :D


Gisa ^^
I'm a fan of Gary Evan's freight and yard routes. He's given me plenty of ideas
for my north-central Colorado project and does a great job capturing
the atmosphere in a setting that I'm familiar with.
Screen name ? or KUID ?

Some mention routes, but give no way to find them. Please include a username or KUID.
I have to agree with gisa, the Toronto Lakeshore West, KUID: 95512:102855
is very well done. There was another earlier representation of that area called something like, Toronto rail land 1954, but I can't seem to find it on the DLS. Maybe some of you know the correct name?
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NS Reading Line and 2.0 Verison NS Reading Line!:):wave: And Other NS layouts too:D:p And some gfisher's route too! Plus, other many routes LOL:)
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I personally love my route I'm working on. Doesn't looks so great, but it provides A LOT of industry opprutunities
Great stuff guys, keep it coming.

It doesn't say on your Avatar where you live in the world young man...I guess you are American therefore it maybe unwise for me to offer any British, European, Australian layouts, unless you are a mad railway fanatic that would like to see these routes as well ????

I meant "any region" in the largest sense of the word. If you think I'm parochial then you should check out my web site :).

I'm currently running 2006.

If you like both British steam and diesel, may I suggest you merge 2 routes off the DLS, namely, ECML ( East Coast Mail Line ) South and Central. Kuid numbers : 69768:99958296 and 55962:111049, they are so easy to merge at the alloted point it's a piece of cake, and then you can drive from London Kings Cross station up to Doncaster Station, a distance of approx. 140 miles or 220 kms. Fabulously created by Hooverman and Puffernutter back in 2003, they still run as one of my ALL TIME favourite routes of the world.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.

P.S. Hot_Box_Detector the layout Toronto Rail Lands 1954 is a built-in route on TRS2006, it isn't on the DLS.
Favorite route? Boy I wish you hadn't asked:hehe:

Some of my favorite stuff (and darn good quality as well) would be the routes made by ikael and N-DY on the DLS, all their routes are of absolutely top quality.

Some mention routes, but give no way to find them. Please include a username or KUID.
I have to agree with gisa, the Toronto Lakeshore West, KUID: 95512:102855
is very well done. There was another earlier representation of that area called something like, Toronto rail land 1954, but I can't seem to find it on the DLS. Maybe some of you know the correct name?
add an s to land and thats the name,it comes built in for tr06

EDIT: im downloading that lakeshore west route/way too big, i would download if i had the fct
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Weddin is the best and then any of the South Line routes are a very close second. Well to tell the truth the best routh is the south lines when you join them all up is just stunning as you can drive almost half of the state of NSW and it has all the south lines but it many routes joined not one standalone down loaded from the DLS