What is this?


New member
What type of structure is this? I need it for a route I am working on. Thanks!
Are there any on the DLS?

Looks like a cement storage silo, rail car unload transload to silo then bulk cement trucks for transport to concrete ready-mix facility.

It could be used for salt, plastics, animal feed, or just about any other bulk commodity one could think of. I'm not inclined to agree with John about cement, only because the cars being unloaded are too large, and of the wrong type. (Cement usually uses pressure-pneumatic unloading, at least in my part of the world.

The trucks are of the type that carry bulk cement, the rail cars look like they have two bays which are typical of the type that carry dense loads.

It's a thang' ... that takes them thangs' ... from railcars ... and transfers them thangs' into hopper road trucks ... an' then they take those thangs' to market ... to make more refined thangs', out of those original thangs' ... and fer' sure ... it ain't sugar beets !
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Cement usually uses pressure-pneumatic unloading, at least in my part of the world.

Might I ask how you can tell these hoppers are not equipped for pneumatic unloading? I do agree they appear to be 'regular' sized hoppers and not 2 bays, but I couldn't figure out how you came to the other conclusion.
Not the same but a high detail builtin from japan
can be Americanized for personal use

Later: OOPS sorry Truck Loading Only
But looks good
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Might I ask how you can tell these hoppers are not equipped for pneumatic unloading? I do agree they appear to be 'regular' sized hoppers and not 2 bays, but I couldn't figure out how you came to the other conclusion.

There are two main types of pneumatic unloading, one where the caps on the unloading outlets are opened on both sides, and the product is unloaded by vacuum from the car. Most plastic pellets are unloaded in this manner. The cars could be equipped for this type of unloading. The other form of pneumatic unloading is like the GATX airslide cars, or like this car, whose car type is C614, where air is pumped through the product to help it to flow. Cars equipped with this latter type generally have additional piping for the air used in unloading, which I would expect to be visible at the bottom of the car when viewed from this angle. The air compression equipment used to create pressure used to unload the cars also typically is connected to the car from the opposite side of the car from where the car is unloaded, to reduce safety hazards for the workers doing the unloading, and I'd expect to see more of the piping connected at least to the two cars spotted nearest the unloading point than appears evident. So my best guess, based on this photo, and no other information, is that while the cars might be equipped with gravity-pneumatic outlets such as used for plastics, they are not equipped with pressure pneumatic used for cement.

This is my present opinion, but I've been wrong often enough that I wouldn't bet my next Oreo (R) on it, either way.