What is the best graphics card for trainz?

I thinking of buying 2 x 9600gt cards for an sli setup & putting my 2 x 7800 on my old 939 board for my daughter to get her PC up & running for her.

Is there any difference in brands of cards or are you just paying for a brand name?


Brands don't mean much when it comes to hardware (most stuff is just Nvidia's reference design with a fancy sticker), but they do make a big difference when it comes to support. I suggest investigating a company's support before making a purchase. Do they have a toll-free number you can reach? Do they have a support forum where questions are responded to in a timely manner? What is their return policy and warranty terms? You might never have to use their support, but if you do, you want to know that they're there to help you.

Also, you can pretty much forget about overclocking much (not that you were). Most manufacturers are selling a wide range of "factory overclocked" cards, so you've got a pretty good idea that if the chip would run at a faster speed, it'd end up on one of their more expensive boards, and the only chips on the budget selections are those that they couldn't sell at a higher price. Of course, once the product line matures and yields of good chips increase, that sometimes isn't the case, but on any new cards these days, if the chip'll clock faster, they've already done it.
I just ordered a PNY Verto GeForce 6200 / 256MB DDR / AGP 8x/4x / DVI / VGA / TV Out / Video Card for $54.95 to replace my Geforce4-MX 64.
ATI HD 3850 Pro 256MB GDDR3 Dual DVI TV Out PCI-E

These out perform the Nvidia 8000 series & are cheaper.
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which is untrue

it compares with around the 8800 GT 512MB/9600 GT
does decent compared to a 8800 GTS 512MB (G92)
gets stomped by the 8800 GTX 768MB
and doesn't even come close to an 8800 Ultra 768MB

however in terms of price, the 9600 GT is in the same price bracket.
Even the HD3870 doesn't do that well, it comes out around the 8800 GTS performance range.
With the way the prices are going it's getting hard to make a decision on which is the better way to go.

9600gt 512mb from $195
9600gt 512mb oc from $199
8800gt 512mb from $220
8800gt 512mb oc from $250
Perhaps buying a 9600GT may have been more cost effective!:'(
Ah well, we live and learn...:hehe:

It might be a tiny bit cheaper for the 9600GT (usually about $20US), but the 8800GT performs about 12% better across the board than the 9600GT in real world benchmarks. You won't be disappointed.
which is untrue

it compares with around the 8800 GT 512MB/9600 GT
does decent compared to a 8800 GTS 512MB (G92)
gets stomped by the 8800 GTX 768MB

however in terms of price, the 9600 GT is in the same price bracket.
Even the HD3870 doesn't do that well, it comes out around the 8800 GTS performance range.

But look at the difference in price........................

The 8800GTX is £224.99
but the ATI 8350 PRO 256mb is only £85.65 so wins hands down on performance per £ spent. :D
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But the GTX is 3 times more powerfull? :confused:
well close anyways it's closer to twice as powerful more than 3 times as powerful.
Either way you look at it however, it's cheaper in the long run to get the 8800 GTX even in terms of performance per dollar/pound/whatever.
The more this thread go on the more confused I get
I think I'll have to flip a coin for the right answer


Well if you have money to burn, go for the 8800GTX @ £224.99, but it really is "overkill" for running Trainz, plus you will need to uprate your power supply (according to others on these boards) to run it, which is more expense.

Running Trainz with no problem is well within the scope of the ATI 8350 PRO. ;)
Well if you have money to burn, go for the 8800GTX @ £224.99, but it really is "overkill" for running Trainz, plus you will need to uprate your power supply (according to others on these boards) to run it, which is more expense.

Running Trainz with no problem is well within the scope of the ATI 8350 PRO. ;)

Would you like me to dig out a layout and rolling stock combination that will bring a 8800GTX to it's knees? Don't forget practically any layout will do if you extend the distance for scenery.

These days an ATI 3870 or equivalent will run most items well but there is no hardware in existence that a content creator can't use to it's maximum and beyond.

It's a bit like the old days when I worked with super computers this new one will support 234 concurrent normal users or one bad one.

Cheerio John
Hi all,
Simple question, tricky answer(probably):

What is the best graphics card for trainz?

Thanks in advance,

So there you are the answer is simple.......................

Get the biggest bank loan you can & buy the latest, most exspensive kit
on the market, then turn the air blue when someone creates a route that
makes it totally inadequate 2 days later. :D
So there you are the answer is simple.......................

Get the biggest bank loan you can & buy the latest, most exspensive kit
on the market, then turn the air blue when someone creates a route that
makes it totally inadequate 2 days later. :D

Or, you could do what I said in the first reply...


Simple answer: The best one that you can afford.

Tricky answer: Depends on what your motherboard supports, how fast your CPU is, how much RAM you have, what you would prefer ATi or nVidia.

In bold would be the better option... :)