What did I get and how I feel..


Active member
I took part in Kickstarter and it was quite exciting.
Where am I now - I have a Delux Edition cover with two DVD's inside that are useless and will stay useless, an icon behind my name on the forum, some wallpapers
I can't patch because it says to me there are no patches available for my DRM free 74885 version.
I tried to DL the digital TANE but it bombed out halfway and talks gibberish to me.
Now I must decide, do I wait and spend more money on a working dust free version of TANE or do I just cut my losses forget about Trainz.
I also don't feel like fighting with my PC , asking on the forum or trying to contact a snowed up helpdesk to try and understand how to play the game any more.
Patience is a virtue - and I guess many have run out of them by now - but remember it really did take longer than 7 days to create the world!
Unfortunately, I think N3V rushed the release of the Boxed Edition in an attempt to allay consumer gripes about delays.
This has resulted in the release of (for many), an unfinished software program that does not perform as advertised. That N3V is charging for a DVD update to make that software function as it was originally intended is pushing the Australian Consumer Protection Laws to the edge. Technically many of us did not buy the software. We contributed to a funding scheme, and received T:ANE for free. However, I believe that morally N3V should make the necessary patches freely available. The patch should be available for manual download, even to the extent of using a torrent due to its size if necessary.
I took part in Kickstarter and it was quite exciting.
Where am I now - I have a Delux Edition cover with two DVD's inside that are useless and will stay useless, an icon behind my name on the forum, some wallpapers
I can't patch because it says to me there are no patches available for my DRM free 74885 version.
I tried to DL the digital TANE but it bombed out halfway and talks gibberish to me.
Now I must decide, do I wait and spend more money on a working dust free version of TANE or do I just cut my losses forget about Trainz.
I also don't feel like fighting with my PC , asking on the forum or trying to contact a snowed up helpdesk to try and understand how to play the game any more.

In terms of the patching issue, there are a couple of things that must be done in order to enable it.

Firstly, untick the offline mode box in the Settings box, then enter your details.

Secondly, restart the game completely.

As for the digital version, a lot of people (including me) strongly advise using a download manager for that download.

I ( and many others - no doubt ) appreciate your and all the other trainzers help Shane, but it does not change the way I feel.
I have a friend here too, and I recommended that he contributes to Kickstarter with me, he is less computer literate than me and is waiting for something to happen somewhere so he can play the game.
I wonder how many others are in the same boat. One has to be a professor to get the game going !
Patience is not the answer, we have spent good money, and sometimes there is no money spare to keep on spending.
N3V has a responsibility to look after there backers, that's how I feel .
I think they have enough money available to make good on our expectations which is : to have a game which one can play without all the fancy stuff , there will be more money coming when trainzers are HAPPY .
Every time I see that Deluxe box box lying here I feel worse about it, am I really expected to buy another one ?
If you do decide to take the replacement disk route, it's a fair bit cheaper than getting a complete new copy ($9.95AUD + $14.95AUD shipping), although the auto-patch process hasn't changed since TS2009 (with the exception of the offline mode box for DRM-free copies).

Hi jj, I think the best that we can do right now is to wait, say till November, and then buy the "new" upgrade disk, that way maybe we will be lucky enough to enjoy a properly functioning TANE for Christmas, think most of us was prepared to wait a bit longer and perhaps N3V should have delayed for a end of the year release.

This is all really very sad though. The whole reason why I asked for the DRM Free version was not because it was DRM free, just about nothing is, I asked for it only because it came on disk, I bet no one outside of SA know how much Vodacom add-on data costs us, it will cost me a fortune to download the game, and half a fortune to patch it.

TANE is running o-k on my PC, but I will not buy this "it's your hardware" excuse, I have to many new top grade games and some old dragons all running as expected on maxed out settings, no, TANE's problems is software related and we will just have to wait until it's fixed.

Some advice would be to keep your 74885 install clean, seems the more you add to it the more it bogs down, if you use surveyor, disable the auto save.

Anyhow boet, I share some of your pain and disappointment, good luck and vasbyt.
@robogo - at least you can still do something with yours, mine just does not start , the screen stays black, and I just don't feel like finding bugs at the moment .
anyway thanks en vatvyf :)
Like I said in another thread: The insult continues. Advise: Don't buy the upgrade disk. Shipping is more expensive than the disk. It should be available for manual download. I for once, like to run my trains, not having to fiddle with config files and tweaks here and there wasting time. Things should work out of the box; How do you feel if you buy a car and next day you have to fix yourself having to pay extra?
The patch itself won't be made available for manual download due to the size.

There was a suggestion of an ISO version of the patched version but N3V did not agree with the idea citing additional bandwidth requirements.

Like I said in another thread: The insult continues. Advise: Don't buy the upgrade disk. Shipping is more expensive than the disk. It should be available for manual download. I for once, like to run my trains, not having to fiddle with config files and tweaks here and there wasting time. Things should work out of the box; How do you feel if you buy a car and next day you have to fix yourself having to pay extra?

It sounds like you bought your car in New Hampshire where there's no Lemon Law. :)

I agree N3V could have done this better and I wonder if the bandwidth issue is more of a staff time bandwidth more than network. Tony eluded to this before the staff cuts, which makes me wonder if this was planned...