Weird surveyor problem


New member
Can anyone figure this out? I have this route I'm working on. I make 3 splines, all the same kuid asset. I save the route, back out, go back in, and 1 or 2 of the 3 are not showing, just their spline points.
No, because they were placed at ground level, and they are reinforced walls. Not to mension I made no changes in their height.
I've had this problem before. Unfortunately, the next thing that happened to me was that on repeated occasions the game crashed. I think it was the track that I was using, but I can't remember which one now...
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I had this problem when I reinstalled a route from my old PC.I think what happens is that for some reason Trainz doesn"t download the assets but just has their spline points.Have you searched for Missing Dependencies and/or tried re-downloading them?
I haven't tried redownloading them. Although it is reinforced wall splines I'm trying to lay, the route does have various tracks with errors in them, according to the CMP. Does that help any?