WC Chicago Sub


Canadian National
Well today was a good to to hit the open roads and do some fanning....We didn't know where to go or what area was hot so we texted a CN conductor and he said to go and check out Byron Hill today and that the UPGBC train should be coming up....So we packed our gear and away we went.....On the way down we heard some chatter on the scanner but we didn't wanna stop to see what train that was....We wanted to see if we can meet up with the coal train bound for Green Bay....As we got closer we heard some more chatter....This time it sounds like the UPGBC train....We figure we should stop right by Quad Graphics and see if we can meet this train...
We got off the highway and went down by Quad Graphics and seen a CN switcher switching out the warehouse...We then headed down to the next road where we saw another CN train but this time it was a ballast train dumping ballast down a spur track but as soon as we got there....Boom....Here comes the UPGBC train....I took the shot right with the CN ballast train

As the train slowly rolled on by we then went back to the other crossing by Quad Graphics where the switcher was switching out the plant and shot these...Boy was he picking up speed now

As he past the plant we then raced him to a siding near by and when we got there we were in for a real treat...It was a meet with a CN grain train...As the conductor walks out from the cab and in the clear of the coal train he is ready to do a roll by inspection

At the end of the coal train was another surprise...This time it was 2 more CN helpers on the rear pushing this 115 loaded coal train

We then went down a ways to find a road that went over the top of the tracks...As we got there we seen yet another train in the siding to wait for the coal train to zip on by...This time it was a WC TOFC train

As they both went there ways we drove down some more roads trying to follow and pace this train and we got to another road and when we got there a 2 CN train helper set races down the line to go and help the WC TOFC train

Once the helper set cleared the picture the coal train chugged on north all the way up to Fond du Lac and onto Green Bay....This is where we left the coal train and then raced back down to see if we can catch that helper set

We then went back to that one over pass spot and sure enough...Here was the 2 CN helper set getting ready to help the WC train

Once they got on there way we then went back to Quad Graphics to see if we can catch him switching out the plant....But when we got there he was already done and in the siding for the CN grain train

We then figure we had 2 choices...1 we can wait for the WC train or 2 go see if we can catch the WC train and race him back up here....We took 2 and found the WC train passing some beautiful Wisconsin farm land

We then went back to Quad Graphics where the switcher was sitting in the siding to catch the WC train and when we got there it was a lil to late as the WC train beat us here and zipped on by

As the WC train got in the clear the Quad Graphics local got on its way and pulled its train back to the yard

We then figure we should call it a day and head on home....As though our camera batteries are almost on the dead side as we forgot to charge them up before we left....On the way back home we went over towards Green Bay to see if we can find that coal train...As we got up that way the coal train was just making its way into Neenah....
Oh no...I can't take no credit for this route....This is ALL Steves (007007)'s work...He does great stuff for the WC ;)....And yeah...next time ya come on Steve maybe ya can swing over the CDP for it ;)