Virgina & Truckee Reno


Trains & Ponies!
[Help Please] Virgina & Truckee Reno Errors

Hey guys, I got as far as fixing the cabin of the Reno from bdaneal's site, but I kinda need some assistance in fixing this issue with the "inyo b2", could anyone assist me with my issue?

Error: Texture 'engine_black.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material 'local*hash-03\kuid 96914 50222**invisbogey*A33F95B*material #1*m.onetex'.

If anyone is able to help, it would be greatly appreciated!
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Giving me this error now:

Error: Unable to load source texture 'hash-03\copytempsrca9l16gsc90\engine_black.convert-tex' in subst 'local'
Warning: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 2.9 are no longer supported.
Error: Unable to load image file 'black.tga' for texture 'engine_black.texture.txt' while validating mesh ''
Warning: Required container 'thumbnails' is missing.
Error: Unable to load primary texture 'black.tga' for texture file 'engine_black.texture.txt'.
Error: Binary conversion failed for texture resource 'engine_black.texture.txt'.

Got these errors after committing...
Actually nevermind its fixed

So what did you do to fix it?

That's helpful for others who stumble upon the same problem and ask the same question, and may actually have searched for a solution. There are many, many stub posts like this that go on for sometimes pages with no solution then there's a future post made, maybe a year later, asking the same question. Something to think about...

Well it's copying the .texture file from another loco to replace the missing one and to make sure that the .tga file associated with it is copied over too.