Using OS Maps


Back in Blighty.......
Hi all,

I've been away from TRS for quite a while and have forgotten how to do a few things!! :rolleyes:

One of those is placing an OS Map onto a baseboard as a template.

Before I had my mental fit of leaving TRS behind I was creating a layout based on Manchester Victoria to Oldham/Rochdale and was using a scenery object for placing a section of OS Map onto the layout as a template. I can't remember how I did it or if someone else had made it.

Any help appreciated.


P.S. I've upgraded to TRS2006 now.
welcome back

I use the 1km base maps from the DLS they are simple to place although If you are puting buildings over them it can make moving this around a bit of a problem ( keep an eye on them they keep running away). hope this helps an I am interested to know of other way to do this.
