Using the Trainz frame limiter set to 30, I was able to achieve smoother performance while riding an AI engine through a route where stutters were normal. Before using the limiter I removed all splines in a section of the route since they are periodically said to be causes of stuttering. I could see no material improvement when the engine passed through the non-spline area in terms of FPS or stuttering.
I then set the the frame limiter (trainzoptions.txt) to 30 instead of the default 200fps. Ran the route again using the same out of cab front window view I had used before. Stutters were definitely reduced but not totally eliminated. Had one pause of over a second when starting the run. I eliminated that by sitting still in the cab while Trainz "slowly" built surrounding scenery.
Watching the CPU usage with the limiter in place it was around 40% average for both cores in heavily vegetated but few buildings areas. In a village with around 30 buildings, plus the usual heavy vegetation, it would jump to 70% CPU. In thin vegetation the CPU was 15%. This is the average for both cores. Looking that the Task Manager performance graph both cores had close to equal amounts of load.
The video card General Processing Unit (GPU) had loads mostly in the 40% to 50% range. It rose to 75% in the village. Previously the GPU would run at, or near, 99%.
Memory usage usually ran around 600mb except in the village it rose to 1,100mb.
Obviously people have used the limiter and probably saw no material difference. Therefore, as is usual, what you see is entirely dependent upon your hardware and running software. This is an almost infinite number of combinations thus none of the things I found may work on any other PC on the Planet, or what is left of it.
Windows7 32 bit
CPU e8600 3ghz 4gb memory
Video nVidia 240GT 512mb of memory fully overclocked (to the failure point)
I then set the the frame limiter (trainzoptions.txt) to 30 instead of the default 200fps. Ran the route again using the same out of cab front window view I had used before. Stutters were definitely reduced but not totally eliminated. Had one pause of over a second when starting the run. I eliminated that by sitting still in the cab while Trainz "slowly" built surrounding scenery.
Watching the CPU usage with the limiter in place it was around 40% average for both cores in heavily vegetated but few buildings areas. In a village with around 30 buildings, plus the usual heavy vegetation, it would jump to 70% CPU. In thin vegetation the CPU was 15%. This is the average for both cores. Looking that the Task Manager performance graph both cores had close to equal amounts of load.
The video card General Processing Unit (GPU) had loads mostly in the 40% to 50% range. It rose to 75% in the village. Previously the GPU would run at, or near, 99%.
Memory usage usually ran around 600mb except in the village it rose to 1,100mb.
Obviously people have used the limiter and probably saw no material difference. Therefore, as is usual, what you see is entirely dependent upon your hardware and running software. This is an almost infinite number of combinations thus none of the things I found may work on any other PC on the Planet, or what is left of it.
Windows7 32 bit
CPU e8600 3ghz 4gb memory
Video nVidia 240GT 512mb of memory fully overclocked (to the failure point)