Forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place but I am trying to work through getting some older content into TANE and have hit a block. I am updating an entire fleet of narrow steam locos and stock created by Prowler901. Some of that content goes back to Trainz2004 and UTC. I have worked my way thru all of the errors and and after many hours have gotten everything to load into TANE. Everything looks great. And I can operate the locos in DCC mode with no difficulty. All of the assorted sounds engine work with the exception of the exhaust chuffing. I searched thru the forum and found the discussion about setting direct-drive to 1 in the configs and have checked to be sure that only the drivers are set that way. I had initially made most of my edits in TS12 and many of the locos chuffed appropriately in that version, although some did not. Once imported into TANE, none are working properly. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Since none of the locos work I am assuming, and hoping, that the fix will be virtually the same for all.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Thanks in advance for any help.