UP 0-6-0 project


UK Content Creator
This is my thread that has all my Progress of my UP 0-6-0(please ignore this picture if it is upside down)
If I may, in my opinion, would it not be better to simply have one thread to show all of your WIPs?
Just my 2 cents worth.

Ok, I notice a few problems here.

For starters, the cab roof is way to pointed. It should be a smooth, flowing arch.

The firebox needs to be flush with the boiler, they are one piece.

The domes seem indented? Don't know if my eyes are deceiving me or not.

The steam pipe leading up from the steam generator is too tall. It needs to be flush or nearly the same height as the cab.

And speaking of the cab, I would start over or fix that as the window frames are too large and a lot of the supports are off.

It doesn't seem like you have a set Union Pacific 0-6-0 prototype. I would suggest the S-6 (or S-51 as it was also referred to), mostly because that is the type UP #4466 is. 4466 was based in Cheyenne for most of her service life, and is preserved at the California Railroad Museum.

I believe have a book in storage with S-6 blueprints, measurements and schematics as well as performance charts and locomotive assignments, I'll see if I can find it.
yes,I know. I will fix that. am the younger brother (we use the same account my older brother makes the h10b, 4-6-6-4 and i make the DM&IR 2-8-8-4 and 0-6-0.