Unofficial Trainz Technical FAQ - New and Existing Users


Tutorial Creator
Moderators - if you feel this needs to be moved or re-worded, please do so but bear in mind that it's for multiple Trainz versions.

Hi Trainzers,

Welcome to this Technical FAQ thread. This will cover quite a few of the common technical problems encountered by users, although there are a few less common ones as well. It will be broken up into sections, with links to the relevant tutorial if one exists.

Unless otherwise stated, this FAQ is aimed at TS2009, TS2010, and TS12 users.

Please note that this FAQ is subject to change as new problems are identified and solved.

This FAQ is not officially endorsed by N3V (unless they say otherwise) and is being maintained by myself.

Downloading/Installation FAQ

Should I use a download manager to download my version?
Using a download manager is not recommended, as it will reduce the amount of chances to download the file faster than doing it normally.

I am unable to install my digital download version, as it is asking for a disc to be inserted.
Firstly, check that the installation files are all in the same folder. If they are, there is a chance that the files have been blocked by Windows. Check this by opening the folder where the downloaded files are stored, then right-clicking each file in turn and clicking Properties. If there is a Unblock button at the bottom, click this then click OK.

I am encountering a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) error whilst installing the game.
This error usually means that the file in question is damaged or corrupt. If you are installing a digital download version, redownload the affected files. If it's a disc version, check that the disc is not damaged or scratched.

The installer is asking me for a Company name. What should I enter here?
Normally, anything can be entered into that box. I normally use 'home'.

Registration/Serial Number FAQ
How do I register my serial number?
To do this, click Planet Auran above, then Serial Number, then fill in the form.

The game is not accepting my serial number.
Check that you are entering it correctly. If you are and it's TS2010 that is causing problems, make sure you installed both components on the install wizard - if you didn't, you will need to reinstall the game.

The serial number registration page says my serial is already registered.
This is usually a case of either a second-hand copy of Trainz, or you have registered it previously under a different account. Either way, Helpdesk can assist with this issue.

Patching FAQ

Where do I find the patches for this game?
The majority of patches can be found at
How do I auto-patch my version?

To do this, click Options on the Launcher screen then click the Planet Auran tab. If an auto patch is available, the Patch Trainz button will be available - click this to start the process. In some instances, a Yes/No box will appear on startup - clicking Yes will do the same thing.

I'm encountering an error whilst patching. Is there anything I can do about it?
This depends on the error. I have a listing of common patching errors at, along with the solutions.

The patch has stopped half-way. Should I cancel it?
No, unless the patch has aborted itself (this is usually indicated by red text in the top section).

I accidentally cancelled my patch mid-way, and it will no longer patch. What can I do?
In this circumstance, a full reinstall may be required, unless the error is relating to DirectX.

My version will not patch as it wants DirectX 9.0C August 2009 or later. What can I do?
Install the latest version of DirectX to solve this problem. I have a sticky thread (DXInstallHelper) in General Trainz (this forum) that can assist with this.

Content Manager FAQ

How do I start Content Manager? (applies to TRS2006 and later versions)
Click the Content button on the Launcher. On some versions, this will be labelled Manage Content.

How do I download content using Content Manager? (applies to TRS2006 and later versions)
I have a guide on how to do this at
I have downloaded some content, but its appearing in funny colours/fully black.
This is due to a texture compression issue. I have a tutorial at on how to deal with this issue.

Downloadable Content FAQ
I purchased some downloadable content from Simulator Central. How do I install it?
This depends on whether you are using TS2009/TS2010/TS12 pre SP1 or TS12 SP1. If you are using the former (pre TS12 SP1) then run the installation file that you downloaded, inserting the serial number for that pack when requested. Once it has installed, click Options on the Launcher, then enter the pack serial number and click Add, then click OK and wait for the update to complete. For TS12 SP1 users, your content will download and install automatically when you launch the game.

Miscellaneous FAQ

My downloaded/created content keeps disappearing after closing the game/Content Manager. (applies to all Windows Trainz versions)
This is usually caused by not running the game as administrator. See the response below on how to enable this.

How do I run the game as administrator? (applies to all Windows Trainz versions)
I have a tutorial on doing this at

Feedback is welcome on this FAQ, but be aware that it is a work in progress and is subject to change.

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Where do i place assets after unpacking from a Zip-file ? --------------- Try switsching between "Open GL and Direkt-X in case of .......................Still , if you find it really nessesary to ask a question on "Gen Trainz" , alway's name Build no. and version.
My downloaded/created content keeps disappearing after closing the game/Content Manager. (applies to all Windows Trainz versions)
This is usually caused by not running the game as administrator

Strange, I have never run any of my TRS2009+ versions as administrator and had this problem. This is now 3 years later, on Win7.
Why does Trainz still have no "Bell" switch in the cab ?
Why are there high backed seats, (their only function is to block your vision in -freeintcam), and nobody ever sits in those seats, ever ?
Why does the Confounded Blinding Yellow Compass have no toggle on/off button switch ?
Thank you for your responses. I will add the relevant answers to the FAQ if it's likely to help others. In terms of the running as administrator, sometimes Trainz is already running as administrator if the User Account Control is turned off, or if it has been previously set up.

There's often questions (many were from me before I knew better) about missing Kuids on S&C content when people don't own the S&C pack themselves- maybe something to clarify that?
Why does Trainz still have no "Bell" switch in the cab ?
Why are there high backed seats, (their only function is to block your vision in -freeintcam), and nobody ever sits in those seats, ever ?
Why does the Confounded Blinding Yellow Compass have no toggle on/off button switch ?

Bell switch is a creator issue, Not N3V.

Seats are probably what the original real loco has, whatever, it's a creator issue, not N3V.

Compass, to me it's not blinding yellow, it's a washed out barely visible yellow and you can disable it in driver in TS12 SP1.

Strange, I have never run any of my TRS2009+ versions as administrator and had this problem. This is now 3 years later, on Win7.

Also depends on which version of Windows you are using, Admin isn't an issue on Win7 Pro Business or Ultimate, It's only an issue on Home Premium, I suspect as NSWGR_46Class says, depends on how you originally installed Win7, account and UAC wise. With Oem systems you take pot luck with how it was installed, probably as a user account, not designated as an admin and requiring you to actually login to the administrator account to do anything.