Set Time and Date - Problem?


Well-known member
Problem with Set Time & Date. I can see the rule in the content manager, and it shows Installed. However, I cannot get it to appear in the Session instructions. I tried deleting it, for a clean install, BUT it will "not delete?" Any thoughts?
Note: it also does not appear in available commands list
Is there any alternative to set the start date/time for a session?

I entered a report describing the error and the initial response was:
- Statement of billings shows an item from the SP^ Trainz Store Helensvale for $39.99 This is an unknown charge??? Good Afternoon Boleyd Can you please tell me what date is shown for the payment in your bank statement? Please check these helpful pages: FAQ [] Trainz Knowledgebase [] Trainz Forums [] TRS2019 FAQ [] Kind Regards N3V Games Support Team

So I cannot report a problem where the initial response in NON-sensical. Is there anyway to work with that process otherwise I will never be able to properly manage my Session...
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WAIT UNTIL command will not attach to the Session Command string. It says it is not available. However, in the Content Manager it appears and is not showing any error. I remember that I had done this a few years ago on a different route with no issue and that instruction.

Set Time and Rate looks in the Content Manager. But, it does not appear in the list of available as a Session Command String.

It seems that many of the commands associted with Time ar bad. That leads me to suspect that the one of the time values in the data base is bad. Need to do full sort/check after I cool down the room since the full sort hits +100C at times.
Thanks for your assistance/
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WAIT UNTIL command will not attach to the Session Command string. It says it is not available. However, in the Content Manager it appears and is not showing any error. I remember that I had done this a few years ago on a different route with no issue and that instruction.
Just to clarify what you are doing so that I am clear on what is happening:-

By "Session Command String" do you mean the row of Driver Commands that can be assigned to an individual driver either in the Driver Setup Rule in Surveyor or in the Driver Command Bar at the bottom of the screen when in Driver?

If driver commands do not appear in the popup list of available commands in the Driver Setup Rule (in Surveyor) or in the Driver Command Bar (in Driver) then check that they have been added to the Driver Command Rule in the Session Editor. Commands that are NOT identified in that rule will NOT appear in the Driver Setup Rule or in the Command Bar. This has always been the case in every version of Trainz since sessions first appeared.
Session Command String =
WAIT UNTIL command will not attach to the Session Command string. It says it is not available. However, in the Content Manager it appears and is not showing any error. I remember that I had done this a few years ago on a different route with no issue and that instruction.

Set Time and Rate looks in the Content Manager. But, it does not appear in the list of available as a Session Command String.

It seems that many of the commands associted with Time ar bad. That leads me to suspect that the one of the time values in the data base is bad. Need to do full sort/check after I cool down the room since the full sort hits +100C at times.
Thanks for your assistance/
Referring to the Session Rule - Driver Setup - commands sent to driver(s), Focusing on that, the Wait Command is shown in the "pull-down" list of available items. However, when I click/select that item in that list it dims to grey and is not selected. I have done a full sort but no change.

Different route:
Tried to select Wait Until command, for insertion into the Driver Command string, but it also just went to DIM.

A portion of errors shownunser Session Errors:
; <NULL> : function $void@BDSES_EffectDefinition::InitBDSES_EffectDefinition(MeshObject,string), line 432
; <NULL> : function $void@BDSES_Efx::Init(Asset), line 654
- <NULL> : File, Line 57, ER_NullReference
; <NULL> : Script callstack
; <NULL> : function $void@BDSES_EffectDefinition::initReplacableSlaveData(), line 42
; <NULL> : function $void@BDSES_EffectDefinition::InitBDSES_EffectDefinition(MeshObject,string), line 432
; <NULL> : function $void@BDSES_Efx::Init(Asset), line 654
; <NULL> : One or more items failed to load correctly (list 3)
- <kuid:39134:100359> : Read error when loading item 664 (classID: obCr, assetID: <kuid:39134:100359>, worldListID:3 result: 0, read 208 bytes, expected 262)
- <kuid:39134:100361> : Read error when loading item 158966 (classID: obCr, assetID: <kuid:39134:100361>, worldListID:3 result: 0, read 208 bytes, expected 262)
- <kuid:39134:100361> : Read error when loading item 31936774 (classID: obCr, assetID: <kuid:39134:100361>, worldListID:3 result: 0, read 208 bytes, expected 262)
Ok, got it to work. 8:02 and the train drives off per instructions. Thanks for your assistance and patience.
Problem: Cannot install Time and Rate - It does not appear in Driver Command List..
It does show as ok and installed in Content Manager,

I noticed that 08:51am seems to be a "usual" start time UN:LESS specified elsewhere. So all of my Tranis will operate on that as a universal start time unless there is a way to allow me to specify a start=clock time.
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