Understanding Interlocking Towers

Alternatively, the old Schedule Library rule and Insert Command From Library driver command works flawlessly.
Hello everyone ,
I wanted to know if it is possible in the driver, using interlocking towers, to choose a route for a train or I have to have it set in the surveyor previously. Use T; ane sp4.
Thanks for the attention ;)
Paths must be set up in surveyor first for all possible travel. Once in drive the tower will select a path through or you can use the IT set path command in driver and select one of the paths available. You cant create a new path in driver.
Thanks first of all for the quick reply.
Can you please tell me which command I should use to set the path, previously created in surveyor, when I am in driver mode? I can not find....
Thanks, Roberto :eek:
<kuid2:61392:8130:63> IT Enhanced Manager rule (SP2 and later)
<kuid2:61392:8114:63> IT CancelEnhancedPath
<kuid2:61392:8111:63> IT SetPath
<kuid2:61392:8113:63> IT SetPathAndWaitActive
<kuid2:61392:8112:63> IT SetPathAndWaitNotRed
Interesting. I'll have to take a look at those as I'm not sure if I had all of them either. I just ripped out my enhanced interlocking as I really only wanted it to have a restricting signal go into a yard :)

If I can get an AI ignore stop signal then perhaps that will work if one exists?

I know the Enhanced Interlocking Tower could set restricting for signals capable of showing this. But I found certain signals like the JR and safetran wouldn't trigger for paths. Yet older broken signals like the RSS would for some reason.

Now I've got both JR & Safetran working together on the mains so that is most of my signals anyways.


Im just learning to set up the EIT on my Sydney Metro route to control a couple of the complex junction areas and access to Sydney Central platforms 1 to 12.
Sefton junction has 8 paths, 6 for the passenger services and 2 for freight, while I have two EIT's at Central, one to control incoming and one for outgoing services.
All seem to work as desired sofar under AI so I'm pressing on with a few more.
Tips sofar are:
get all your signals and junctions installed first.
Ive used trackmarks at the moment to help with driving to the EIT starting points in some cases.
Use Schedule Library to define your routes including your preferred EITsetPath rule.
Set up your consists and drivers to execute their route as defined in the Schedule Library.
Then test one step at a time before getting too complicated.
Good Luck
PG be careful with how you are setting up your EIT's. Remember that the two towers act as individual towers and only the start and end signal can be used by both. If it is a through station use one for each end and use one for a terminus.