"Unable to overwrite asset" - how to get asset back?


Well-known member
I've just spent ages working on a route, and when I finished I thought I'd put a thumbnail. The relevant bit in the config was already there, so I just copied the desired image in to the folder and installed. I would usually make a backup, but as I never altered the config I didn't bother. Anyway, when I installed I got the above error. The problem is that the route has disappeared! Everything, the config, all the files, it's just an empty folder! How do I get it back?
Check your backups folder. The folders are located under TS12\User Data\Backups and are dated dd-mm-yyyy. If you open up one of these, you should see your route or one of many iterations. If the folders aren't named conventionally, as in the names or names you created, look in the folders that begin with edit, just or even under one with just a kuid.

I was able to get myself out of a crashed save the other night. A route I was working on was damaged when my PC rebooted, thanks to Windows updates that I didn't turn off. When I went back into CM to see what had been destroyed, my route was open for edit, but couldn't be committed. I deleted the trashed route in CM, deleted the folder in the editing folder, and then imported the route back in from the previous save. I only lost a few minutes of work. Whew!
