UMR2015 - SUMMER for TS12


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I think that hopper was a personal re-skin experiment. It was done a while back, and to my recollection, I wasn't sure whether I was allowed to distribute the model on the dls.
Hey Neil what kind of hopper rail car would you recommend for moving limestone aggregate from the pit to the pier at Lyle and would you use open top hoppers or would it have to be the open hatch type?
Hey Neil what kind of hopper rail car would you recommend for moving limestone aggregate from the pit to the pier at Lyle and would you use open top hoppers or would it have to be the open hatch type?

I found some called something like "GON CHIT" or something like that, that were already configured for it. I'm at work right now, but will try to remember to get the names when I get home.
Hey Neil what kind of hopper rail car would you recommend for moving limestone aggregate from the pit to the pier at Lyle and would you use open top hoppers or would it have to be the open hatch type?

They are Gondola G119 NSC 2430 cu ft & Gondola Thrall Rotary 2496 cu ft. They are freeware from RR Mods.

Any new sections joining the line this time, or is it an upgrade/retexture/overhaul of the existing route?
Hey Scottbe8 - if you look in the freeware section, there is a thread about this release. I just can't post the link right now. In a nutshell, extensive upgrades, over 50 new miles of mainline/branchline, and 5 new towns and 2 new commodities.

The route looks GREAT! I have been running the UMR 2014 Summer route and look forward to running this one.

I am having a bit of a problem with UMR 2015 Summer that I have not been able to figure out. When I first start driving the route, it runs fine. After the first save, it runs fine. After the second or subsequent saves, the audio and video are so choppy, it is un-playable, even through the framerates are the same as they were before. I have run the Quick Database Repair - no change, run the Extended Database Repair - no change, exit TS12 - no change, reboot - no change. If I run the session after the second save, it is choppy but if I go back to run the session after the first save, it is smooth. I did note that there is a lot more hard drive activity when running the session after the second save (choppy).

This does not happen with UMR 2014 Summer route.

Any ideas on what I might do do resolve this issue would be appreciated.

Fred J. Bray
You've done everything I would have suggested. I haven't noticed this issue myself. The only things I could possibly suggest would be to make sure your drivers are up to date for the sound and video cards, or maybe the download got corrupted somehow, and you'd need to re-download the route. I can't imagine these suggestions would make a difference, but I can't really think of anything else. This is the first I've heard of any problems like this - maybe if anyone else has some suggestions, they'll offer them.

Let us know if you make any progress.

Best of luck,


Thanks for the feedback. I checked the audio and video drivers and they are up to date. I also had this same issue with the UMR 2015 Winter route, which I was not able to resolve. What I am trying now is to run the UMR 2015 Summer route with a scaled back number of consists (3). So far, no audio or video issues. I have sucessfully run UMR 2014 Summer with 15 consists. Is the UMR 2015 Summer route more memory intensive? If so, I will need to either cut back on the number of consists, the length of the consists, or the number of locomotives. I run all Jointed Rail Rolling Stock and Locomotives.
Rolling stock does indeed make the processor work harder. Maybe it's simply a matter of not having enough processing power, RAM, or a powerful enough video card. The 2015 route is a little larger, but I've retextured and removed a bunch of unnecessary stuff, and just by doing that, managed to bring the size down from 108mb to 98mb.

I've scattered over 1000 cars and over 100 locos all over the route and it runs fine ie. not necessarily great, but it's definitely usable.

Thanks for the info. It very well could be a lack of system resources on my machine. About 2.5 hours and 4 saves into my test session, I started to get an occasional chop in the audio with corresponding stutter in the video.

Here are my systems specs:

i7-2.0GHz quad core CPU
NVidia 560M - 3GB video card
RealTEK HD Audio
Windows 7 64-bit OS

What are your system specs?

I was going to re-download the UMR Summer 2015 route but do not see it listed on the DLS. Do I need to delete it for it to show on the DLS?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you'd need to delete it to re-download it.

My specs right now are:

Intel R Core TM i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz
8.00 GB 7.88GB usable

I re-downloaded UMR 2015 Summer and there were four additional items that down-loaded this time that didn't originally (even though there were no missing dependencies the first time). So, I start my test run. Three consists, no issues. Five consists, no issues. Seven consists and the issue with the choppy audio returned, but as usual only after the second save. So it appears to be a lack of system resources on my machine. What I have been unable to figure out is why it only happens after a second save.

It's a great looking route.

