UK Screenshots (Hi Res Version)

Once again, great pics hiawathamr! But I'm just wondering, as the DLC developer for Trainz, if there's anything you could do about the wheels not turning round on these coaches that N3V offer as DLC? These are actually quite important coaches for those of us modelling UK trains so I'm asking very nicely!

Hey @Paulsw2 - I've just passed that to N3V so we'll see what happens. Zec responded and I quote him: "I'm pretty sure these have been fixed for a coming update, however it's not quite ready for release yet."

A pair of Class 158s passing Hallglen just south of Falkirk on a Glasgow Edinburgh express service.

Also great pics! I hope we might be seeing a BR blue version of the class 47 soon. It would be a shame to see such a great model going to waste. But the HST is great and I do hope that one day we'll see it available as stand-alone DLC to buy and install.

Hey Paul - sorry for the late update. I've just passed the Class 47 in in post #18,965 to 3DZUG.
As for the HST, me too. Maybe it'll be part of the next Trainz game :D

I've been working around Polmont junction and have added additional scenery for some more depth. I felt this necessary as the improved draw distances would mean far too much 'empty space' otherwise.

This is looking approximately south west with Polmont young offenders institution beyond the tracks and Reddingmuirhead and Wallacestone beyond.

Hey Paul - sorry for the late update. I've just passed the Class 47 in in post #18,965 to 3DZUG.

That's super news! I hope we can get some more common liveries (particularly for the '60s through to the '80s) so we can make much more use of it. I'm certainly willing to pay!

I've been working around Polmont junction and have added additional scenery for some more depth. I felt this necessary as the improved draw distances would mean far too much 'empty space' otherwise.

This is looking approximately south west with Polmont young offenders institution beyond the tracks and Reddingmuirhead and Wallacestone beyond.
Another great pic of the new HST. It deserves to be widely used.

That's super news! I hope we can get some more common liveries (particularly for the '60s through to the '80s) so we can make much more use of it. I'm certainly willing to pay!

That would be epic to see. and thank you for your kind words :)
