UK Screenshots (Hi Res Version)

Nice shots all.




This shot was taken using Googyearth. Bit like Google earth
Don't you ahve to put the number in? (the name is already there, you just have remember/look for the correct number for that name)

Can ya guess what it is yet :p btw still need to chamfer those sharp lines.

You do realise you will have to go a VERY long way to beat eldavos from what I have seen and read. The toys list is beyond all anyone has ever dreamt of. Sorry to put the downer on it in this way but my 92's will be bought from eldavo's. It does look a VERY nice model but my order is placed. 46 shiny new Class 92's:)
You do realise you will have to go a VERY long way to beat eldavos from what I have seen and read. The toys list is beyond all anyone has ever dreamt of. Sorry to put the downer on it in this way but my 92's will be bought from eldavo's. It does look a VERY nice model but my order is placed. 46 shiny new Class 92's:)

Don't be sorry:) that's your opinion and i will take that onboard. I can see where you are coming from with eldavos but I have been working on this on and off for a very long time trying to get it to look like it should. Just recently got it to look anything like it so i thought i would post. But as it happens eldavo has almost finished his.


Edit: i also know i have a long way to go to beat it.
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Nice shots all, how do you get the Class 52 Western to show headcodes as displayed in TLblade's shots?

When you enter the number in put it as with the class number as well e.g 521013 the 52 dispears from the number plate but allows the head code to appear.
very nice harcourt weldone;)
here's 2 pics from me

leeds station

shipley station

as you can see they are not complete yet.:)
When you enter the number in put it as with the class number as well e.g 521013 the 52 dispears from the number plate but allows the head code to appear.

Hmmm......with all this interest in the class 52's, maybe I should look at finishing my reskins of them?? ;) :)

still gonna keep going on it.:)

If I may put forward a suggestion, although your Dyson looks promosing already, may I point out that there are many other units and locos to be done? Oh, not forgetting your unreleased stuff (I say that, because I am trying to stop you becomming another me.).

Anyway, I think your time is best spent NOT duplicating stuff (yes, I guess you aren't happy with some creators models, but thats a different thing), but try creating new stuff or making something thats upto modern standards.
One example is the Class 101, at the moment, I could do with some 101 trailer cars that I cannot make (lack of time due to creating the Class 151 DMU), that are passenger compliant. Your time would be better spent making that than other stuff, but thats my comments.
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I agree with WEN. Instead of trying to build a model that has already been built, try making something which there is demand for. Your new 66's are going to be a welcome release especially, so try and get them released first. Then maybe a new class 25 would be a good idea. I know that alot of people would like to see one of those =).
I don't mean to put you down here, because your Gmax work has come on leaps and bounds since your first attempts, again, your class 66 being a prime example, but with the 58 and 92, you do seem to be following Eldavo's lead, as you will know, he has already created and released a perfectly good class 58, and a 92 is imminent. Just my words of thought...

