UK Screenshots (Hi Res Version)

the coaches behind Alfred are mine, they are the parcel vans serach under my username on the DLS

LMS Parcel Van & BR blood & Custard & Morron parcel vans

this constant quoting of pix for spurious reasons is quite incredibly tiresome.....:(

I strongly agree with you there. 99.9% of the time there really is no reason for it. Just my view.

On a brighter note, harcourt, I love those screens. They're fantastic, even the mountains in the background are great.
I am sorry i didnt know that was against any rules or it got u upset i was just asking a question regarding that pic. Very sorry!


There aren't any rules as such about it, it just annoys many who frequent this thread. Personally I don't have much of a problem until someone quotes 8 pictures to ask a question about the third one.... :eek:


p.s. a screenshot while I'm here...

Nah its cool Jen:D. There aren't any rules to do with that subject but just when alot of people quote alot of pics it takes ages for the page to load and some people I guess just find it annoying:)
the coaches behind Alfred are mine, they are the parcel vans serach under my username on the DLS

LMS Parcel Van & BR blood & Custard & Morron parcel vans


And very useful they are too IMO! My game is getting closer to the restart, some shots may appear sooner than you all think!
One of around 15, all of which will be released via the forum this evening......

Part of West Coast Rail's ex-Manchester Pullman Mk.2 "Parlour" rake :)
Pre Tops Layout

Nice shots everyone:D

Have started to work on a new layout because PB is finished.
Here are some screens



I would like to know if there are and Class 31, 37 or 47 in BR blue which are pre Tops?
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I would like to know if there are and Class 31, 37 or 47 in BR blue which are pre Tops?

Not as such, but you can still number them like that, as long as you don't mind a gap between the first number and the last 3 for example

a 31 would be 5 821 for example
a 37 would be 6 988 for example
a 47 would be 1 748 for example
I'm afraid I won't be releasing the Pullman Mk.2's this evening, because my village has suffered two power cuts within the last hour or so, and on both occasions I was busy finishing the coaches when all the power went off!

I'm not sure if I'll risk it again until the assumed electrical fault has been fixed. Hopefully it'll be rectified tonight so that everything is okay for tomorrow........if I lived near the WCML I'd have probably found the cause by now......people who do live near it can't even risk boiling the kettle if a 92 is on it's way ;) :hehe:
I live 2.5 miles away from the N'pton line, and 92's cause no problems! Albeit you can tell when one is passing, they are that loud!

Not as loud as a 45 though!
Not posted a screenie in AGES so here is just one from me:


220001 and 221141 make their way back to Central rivers for their branding to be removed. Bye bye Virgin Cross Country you will be missed.