Turntable Help


New member
Using Tside TurntableAUS2. When the table is turning a section of track becomes invisable and reapears when the table stops. Anyone have this problem
G'day, Switcher84,

Yep....everybody. That is a well known defect of that particular 'built-in' turntable (and a number of the others, I believe), an issue of which Auran appears to have wiped their hands!

Jerker {:)}
If your trainzoptions.txt isn't default, set it to default temporarily and see what happens.
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Sorry for the flip answer above :)
Try adding a vertice in the track that disappears, very close to the turntable. It seems to me that only the first segment of track tends to disappear, so it you make it a really short segment, maybe it won't be as noticeable?
It doesn't happen with the NSW Turntable in TRS2006 as long as you connect your track to the "short" connection.

I did a heap of testing on various '06 turntables and only found a couple that worked properly but I've tended to stick with the NSW Turntable.

As an extension of this thought, what makes the NSW Turntable work while the others suffer from disappearing track??

If we know what makes this one work properly, other turntable makers can use this so their turntables don't suffer the indignity of having their tracks "phase out"...

This still happens with the new L&BR 'turntables'/turnouts and if we can help them make them work for everyone, that'd be great!

Other "features" I find annoying are the tendency for some turntables and particularly the traversers to appear to hang and then suddenly jerk to the next position, and the almost impossibility of clicking on the arrows for very small turntables.
I'd like to bump this thread. I too am having turntable troubles, and it's hindering my ability to use Steve Flander's L&BR stock too. I've tried every turntable object in my inventory, including the transfer tables, and they all have this glitch.

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