

Remember the Withered Arm
Is there a tutorial on tunnels anywhere, does anyone know?

Every time I bore through a hill, I get stray bits of landscape inside the tunnel with a big grass "plug" at the far end which the train has to break through to emerge.

How to I get a clean tunnel bore through a hillside please?
To get the "plug" bits in the end of the tunnels to disapear, the hight of the landscape around the tunnel has to be higher than the tunnel its self from the entrance through to the end of the tunnel.

hope that helps. if it didnt tell me and il try to be more spesific:hehe:

If you are making your own you need digholes at the entrance and exit of the tunnel. If they are already built then raise the ground around the mouth of the tunnel.
as in switches? sort of. there are a handful of subway "kits" out there that are built with the availability to have a switch, they are set up as regular track with one (or two) pieces being tunnels for the entrances, and the rest have 1 or 2 sides allowing for quite a variety of different switching designs.

Assuming you have TRS2006 , the easiest way to learn is do what I did - create a Session of Hawes Junction in Surveyor, dismantle one of the tunnels then you can see how it is constructed.
Assuming you have TRS2006 , the easiest way to learn is do what I did - create a Session of Hawes Junction in Surveyor, dismantle one of the tunnels then you can see how it is constructed.

Er...not quite getting your point here: dismantling tunnels?
"nicky" Its fairly simple - you create a Session in survey then take the tunnel apart to see how its made.So I found that the Hawes Junction tunnels were made of the Tunnel, UK Tunnel Mouth , Wingwall and UK Tuneel Grass Spline .All of these are built in to TRS2006, as is the Hole Punch used to cut holes in the Terrain.I was sent a Route a while back and its builder had used AJS Dighole to build the tunnels.I didn"t have AJS Dighole and I think thats the reason why when it arrived the Tunnel mouths were blocked.
Thanks for the tutorial link! Just what I was looking for!

The tip about raising the landscape height was very ueful Stagecoach! That explains why I couldn't get rid of the big plug at the tunnel end before!

I do like the idea of AJS Tunnels though! I'm going to do some experimenting!
Ah lewisner, I think I get you now. I thought the bore holes were something like trackside objects or fixed track pieces, so I was searching in the wrong place. Found it, thanks.