TS2004 vs TS2006


New member
Hi everybody. I don't want to start a brawl or anything, but which is the best sim to run, 2004 or 2006?

The reason I ask is because both are referred to constantly in the Forum. Can someone briefly lay out the positives and negatives of each? Would there be any advantage in installing both? Indeed, can you install both on the one machine without them interfering with each other?

I have 2006 installed, which I'm quite happy with, but am constantly wondering if perhaps I'm missing out on something by not starting out with 2004.

There have been threads on this some time back - more than one and quite a bit if spark on occasion. It is the old story of one man's meat is another man's poison so to speak. I started with 04 then bought the special "tinned" TRS06 version and it languished in a drawer as there were so many hot arguments about the CMP and other changes in 06 on the Forums. Anyway I finally took the jump to 06 and got on with Trainz life! The CMP takes a bit of getting used to and I have been fortunate to have got great help from other Trainzers.

You can have both on your pc although downloads I think normally go to TRS06 but there is a way to change that if you want an item to go to 04 instead.

Change always brings a pause especially people like me who don't want complications or perceived ones. But I'm quite happy now with 06. My previous TRS04 version needed the cd in and I'm glad now I don't need to do that now with the dvd.
2006 has some features that 2004 doesn't, but 2004 allows you to use "TrainzObjects", which most prefer to CMP. 2004 can use alot more of the assets availible with out major repair. It's more tolerant, but may be less stable. Different people have different experiences. I know 2004 was a nightmare for me, but that was 3 computer's ago too!

Trainz Classics is probably the most stable platform....but then the broken assets are an issue!

Flip a coin....or stay with what you have!

Confirmed 2004. Especially since having read the criticisms from the days when 2006 appeared, and all the problems since. Like someone said earlier, there was a lot said both about 2004 and 2006 it must really be about personal choice. Like I said at the begining its 2004 for me, and if it aint broke, dont fix it.:)
Thank you all for taking time out to reply, I really appreciate it. Having mulled over the answers, yeah, well, I can now sit back and relax .......I'll stick with what I have. Good on yers.
I believe that you have to look into the config file for this but otherwise, I am unsure on this.

I have both TRS2004 and TRS2006 installed on my PC.

I mostly use TRS2004 for route building as you can use stuff like basemaps much easier.

I use TRS2006 for use with its (rather quiet) iportal stuff and to drive around with. I do sometimes route build in TRS2006 but I do that Iportal ops though.

Inside the bin folder of the TRS2004 directory is a program called Trainzhelper.exe. Create a shortcut for it on your desktop. When you run the program it allows you to choose which version of Trainz to install assests in. Tafweb also has a program called cdpset which does the same thing. I run both of them just to be sure. Change versions before downloading from the DLS if you use Download Helper.


To answer your first question, I still use three versions of Trainz: UTC, TRS2004 and TRS2006. I plan on buying Trainz Classic when it is available at retail stores here in the US. I keep UTC around because there are still routes with scenarios that I enjoy running that only work in UTC. I don't add any content to UTC anymore but it is still fun to run. My TRS04 directory is by far the largest. Most of what I download goes there. I have 166 routes installed. My interest is running scenarios and many of the best are written for TRS04. I'm a regular on the Razorback Railway. I'm getting more and more into TRS06 as time goes by. I didn't import all my TRS04 content, instead I pick and choose what I want to add.

Inside the bin folder of the TRS2004 directory is a program called Trainzhelper.exe. Create a shortcut for it on your desktop. When you run the program it allows you to choose which version of Trainz to install assests in. Tafweb also has a program called cdpset which does the same thing. I run both of them just to be sure. Change versions before downloading from the DLS if you use Download Helper.

Hi William,

Thanks for the information. I will give it a try.