TS12 to TANE objects


New member
I've been working on a track layout of NW in northwest SC. I have much track laid and decided I'd try to move it to TANE.
Imported the proper folder and some objects/assets are missing. I was able to find most of them and download the latest. some are obsolete and some just don't seem to import properly.
Example is the simple "Switch Lever". Although I downloaded the latest these objects don't appear on the railroad.

My question is this. Is there a way to define a new switch operator and then do a blanket change of all these levers, Much like a find and replace in a word processor. It would save me much time rather than replacing each object individually.

Thanks in advance.
If an asset does not appear in a route check the following in Content Manager:

1) The asset is not faulty and or missing dependencies

2) The asset is not open for edit.

If the asset is open for edit, submit it by highlighting the asset, right-clicking on it and choosing Submit from the contextual menu.

If there are errors, they are usually quite easy to fix unless it's a script or LOD error. They usually refer to a typo in the config.txt file or a missing texture, which are things that were ignored in older Trainz versions.

If you want assistance with any errors, start another thread and we can help you with the process initially. Once you get the hang of the process, you'll find it pretty easy.