I have moved the Southern China route from TS12 to Tane and suddenly noticed that on the north end of the map the track has catenary on the double track until it gets to the first yard which has no catenary (except for 2 gantry sections on it's southern end). after leaving the yard on the south end the catenary starts again on the double track.
A check of a clean install TS12 also shows this catenary as missing - strange never noticed it before!!!
Thought to mention this in case I have some fault in my clean TS12 install - it is fixable - but as always a pain in the rear.
A check of a clean install TS12 also shows this catenary as missing - strange never noticed it before!!!
Thought to mention this in case I have some fault in my clean TS12 install - it is fixable - but as always a pain in the rear.