TS12 Performance Questions


Butner Lines Railroad Co.
Hi guys,

so I got my new gaming laptop the other day and I am having some issues with Trainz 12. I am able to run detail-intensive routes like Balezino-Mosti, etc., very smoothly. However, when running PLL (Potteries Loop Line), I am experiencing considerable lag. I read a post about performing a defrag after installation of TS12; but that didn't do anything to help. So, what do I need to do, to make this route run as smoothly as the others?

Here are my system's specs:
Alienware 17
Nvidia GeForce GTX 860M
Intel Core i7-4710MQ @ 2.5GHz
8GB RAM (7.93GB Usable)
Windows 7 Home Premium

So, shouldn't PLL be running with little to no stuttering? Also, will T:ANE run smoothly on this?
First question, are you running it as administrator? Have you allowed Trainz and Cmp as exceptions in your firewall and antivirus program.

If these are both a "yes" try reducing your draw distance and the texture, trees and scenery detail. These can be found in (main menu, options, video) you could also increase the good weather fog setting in the same menu window.
