Ts 12 content manager


New member
When i download something in content manager it fails it my internet is working i didnt ever get to use my 100 mb im even logged in content manager. I registered my serial number yesterday.
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Welcome to the forums, Louie123.

Check that TS12 is allowed through your firewall as that will prevent it from downloading properly.

When you say registered, you did enter in the serial number in your My Trainz account (aka Planet Auran account)?

I notice here that TS12 doesn't appear in your station route-list as it does with mine. I suggest contacting the helpdesk as they can assist you with that if you have entered in the serial number, as there have been some server issues.

thats proof that i registered my serial number what you see here is the heart and soul of my account that my number has been registered please help me im not lying.
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Message: Command prompt reporting in."Message: Test 'command prompt access' passed.Message: Pinging www.google.com [] Message: with 32 bytes of data:Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=66ms TTL=44Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=44Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=66ms TTL=44Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=55ms TTL=44Message: Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Message: Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Message: Minimum = 55ms, Maximum = 70ms, Average = 64msMessage: Test 'ping known address' passed.Message: Pinging auran.com [] Message: with 32 bytes of data:Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=92ms TTL=50Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=85ms TTL=50Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=85ms TTL=50Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=83ms TTL=50Message: Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Message: Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Message: Minimum = 83ms, Maximum = 92ms, Average = 86msMessage: Test 'ping auran' passed.Message: Test 'planet auran login' passed.Message: Test 'http external' passed.Message: Test 'http auran' passed.Message: Test 'https auran' passed.Message: Test 'dls search' passed.Message: Test 'download.ts2009.com' passed.Message: Test 'www.auran.com' passed.Message: Test 'www.ts2009.com' passed.Message: Test 'online.ts2009.com' passed.Message: Test 'page failure' passed.Message: Test 'host failure' passed.Error: Download failed - error 7.Error: Test 'ftp dls' failed.Error: Download failed - error 7.Error: Test 'ftp firstclass' failed.Message: Diagnostic complete.
Hi Louie,

I never doubted you in the first place. Never post serial number, or even email addresses. You don't want softwarez creeps stealing your serial number, or bots sending spam in you name! :) I do suggest contacting the helpdesk as they can help resolve this issue.

This might be your problem.

Message: Test 'host failure' passed.Error: Download failed - error 7.Error: Test 'ftp dls' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 7.Error: Test 'ftp firstclass' failed.Message: Diagnostic complete.

Here's your problem. Your system isn't contacting the download station.

I suggest checking your firewall and ensuring that trainz.exe, launcher.exe, and ContentManager.exe have access through your firewall or are not being blocked.

If this works, let us know, and of course let us know if it doesn't.

i see what you mean thanks for the help i will do everything you told me i will let you know what happens thanks again
do you know on how i can contact the help desk i allowed those apps in the firewall im still getting the same result.