TRS2019 SP2: Having Issues with Patch Installation/Installing the game


Prime Mover Simulations
A few months ago TRS2019 SP2 was released, and I was hoping to install it to see what new features are on the 110491 build. For some reason however, I was and still am unable to patch my game from the previous (105096) build to the current one. I would get this error message:

"Patch not viable.

Filepath already occupied C:\Program Files (x86)\N3V Games\Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019\DebugHelper.exe"

Numerous times that I would attempt to patch the game, I would get that same error message. Per suggestion of someone in a Facebook group I'm in, I decided to uninstall the game and reinstall it to see if this would fix the problem, this included deleting any files that were installed on my local disk, as well as the appdata folder that weren't uninstalled automatically (obviously I exported any routes and content that I made in TRS2019 into a CDP file on my desktop as a precaution, ALL of my third party content from other websites are saved in a folder as well). I downloaded the installer for windows from the digital downloads page on the mytrainz page since it has the current build instead of the new build.

After clicking on the installer, accepting the license agreement, confirming the install location, entering my username and password, and clicking the patch stream to confirm that I would be installing the 110491 build, the game simply does not install, instead giving me this error message:

"Patch failed: failed to read source data"

Since I have the pre-SP2 (105096 build) installation files on my computer from when I first bought the game, I'm able to install that version onto my PC, which I did after attempting the aforementioned. However, just like before, attempting to Patch the previous build to the current build gives me the same dumb Filepath already occupied error that I've been getting. Same thing happens when I try to use the installer that was downloaded from my digital downloads page.

I should also mention that just before the SP2 build was released I had purchased a new SSD drive, and ended up moving everything from my HDD to my SSD using Macrium Reflect, so maybe the fact that has something to do with the game not installing but I'm not entirely sure. I have tried to do the same exact methods that I explained above for both the SSD and the HDD but it leads me with the same exact results that I've been getting.

I'm not sure why I am encountering all of these problems for just simply trying to install a simple patch to my game. Either it's the game's fault, my PC's fault, or I'm just making it too complicated. Regardless, can someone who has encountered this issue before please help? I hope I have explained thoroughly enough for someone on here who can help with this fix.

Thanks very much :D
My first thought is your C drive may be full if you have not moved the Trainz data from it to your Trainz drive. Trainz installs two folders, the program folder, and a data folder. The program folder goes to the location you have asked it to install at. The data folder will go to the C drive by default and you then need to move the build folder to your other drive. Redirect the path in your Trainz settings/install to the new location and do a DBR.
My first thought is your C drive may be full if you have not moved the Trainz data from it to your Trainz drive.

As of right now TRS2019 is installed on my Hard Drive (Drive E on my PC). Before, it was installed on my SSD (Drive C) however it took up a bunch of space on that drive, along with several other programs that were installed on it. I have since moved TRS2019 (along with all other previous versions of Trainz ie 12, 2010, and 2009 onto my HDD. SSD is 1TB, HDD is 2TB.

Trainz installs two folders, the program folder, and a data folder. The program folder goes to the location you have asked it to install at.

Again, when I reinstalled TRS2019 on my PC, I directed the program folder to my hard drive. The location was E:\Program Files (x86)\N3V Games\Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019. Same with the Data Folder.

The data folder will go to the C drive by default and you then need to move the build folder to your other drive. Redirect the path in your Trainz settings/install to the new location and do a DBR.

Moving the build folder to my HDD, along with redirecting the path to where the build folder was moved gives me the same Patch not viable Filepath already occupied error when attempting to patch the game. I'm not sure what you mean exactly by "install to the new location." If you're talking about patching the game, it will give me the error, unless if you mean reinstalling the game again.
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When you move the build folder only from the C drive, you have to open the launch screen and select settings and the install tab. This path must be set to the folder's location. Don't do anything in the redirect file as this will be done automatically and must stay on the C drive.

Do your downloads go to the SSD or the E:\ drive?
IIRC, the default is the C:\ drive, and the patch is not only large, but will extract itself onto the default drive...
The other possibility is that the update stream isn't matching the version - I'm using "TRS19 Platinum/Trainz Plus"



I'm not sure exactly what you mean by downloads. Since my SSD is the default drive, I believe that is where it is likely extracting.

As for the streams, I only get two. TRS2019 and TRS2019 beta. I have the TRS2019 Standard Editition.
Launch TRS19 and on the opening, screen click on settings then on the install tab. This shows the path to where your build folder is located and is also where any downloads go. If you moved the build folder from C to E the path should show the destination on your E drive. Default would have been
C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\N3V Games\trs19\build.
If it is on your E drive it will look something like this.

If you are not Gold or Plus member you don't have any other update streams.
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Small Update - I have since gotten Trainz 2019 SP2 to work on my PC.

Since I have two user logins on my PC, all I had to do was install the game from my other login, then once the game was installed, I moved both the Program Files, and the data folder to the user login that I use for Trainz. The only real issue that I'm having right now is that many of my assets that I had previously installed are now showing up faulty, primarily the Jointed Rail assets. I believe it has to deal with the script, but trying to view the errors and warnings will show several warnings that will say "Library failed to load after compilation. Retry #1, 2, or 3."
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I believe 105096 is a beta build. Make sure you have your stream set to Beta and then check to see if there's a patch available. Also, if you are on Platinum (105100), there are not patches.
I believe 105096 is a beta build. Make sure you have your stream set to Beta and then check to see if there's a patch available. Also, if you are on Platinum (105100), there are not patches.

I believe setting the patch stream to beta did nothing as it stated that there were no patches available.

As I've stated before, I've since gotten the problem fixed and have the 110491 build installed, albeit slightly regretting now it since I'm encountering problems with the content that's supposed to be installed in my game by default not downloading all of the assets, as well as all of my Jointed Rail assets becoming faulty likely due a script error (only the ones that I've downloaded off of JR's website, not the ones installed into the game by default.)

Apologies for seeming like I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I believe people have had many of the same issues that I've been having with this game in terms of updating and installing content. A shame because I like TRS2019 a lot, yet there's a couple technical blemishes that I wish N3V would've taken care of.

Edit: After posting this, I actually managed to download all of the default routes' missing content off of the DLS. Thankfully waiting for the content to download was quick as I have a monthly First Class-Ticket subscription, and as a result, all of the default routes have the content that should be installed. With that being said, all of my Jointed Rail assets are still faulty, doing a DBR doesn't help since I get persistent error messages saying "Library failed to load after compilation."
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