TRS2006 Bugs - Trailing Loco Cab


New member
I have a problem with my trailing locomotive.

The train is made up of a NSWGR 44 Class in normal position (No.1 end facing forward), several fuel tank consist, and a NSWGR 45 Class at the end facing back (No.1 short end facing backwards).

This setup was so when driving, you don't have to turn around, obviously, but when driving, if I enter the 45 class cab by clicking on it, the cab is facing forward, as I can see the tanks in front, but it should be facing backwards since the loco is facing backwards.
I run TRS2006, as my laptop does not run 09, 10, 12 nor T:ANE

I would suppose that correcting these views is possible by editing the config file, or editing a mesh attachment point, but I am not exactly certain of how to do it.

I just run the heck out of TRS2006, in cab view, CAB mode, from the lead loco, and have -freeintcam tag line entered in my trainzoptions file, so I can roam about the cab.

Some locos are just more detailed than others, and I have like a gazillion of them. Currently I am infatuated with the C&O, and VGN 2-8-8-4 and 2-6-6-6 ... There are allot of Australian diesel and steam locos
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Have you tried a little experimenting? Perhaps the view you are getting from the 45 is from the rear of the cab, in which case rotating your view (turning around in your seat) will put you right. If that isn't the problem, try uncoupling your rear loco and then see what view you get. As it is now standing alone, you should get the "normal" view from your cab.