Tree Size in Surveyor - T:ANE



Just curious about whether or not there is a way to scale the size of certain trees within Surveyor or by another method? Per the screenshots, some trees seem to be sized appropriately and others are, well, HUGE. I am running Trainz: ANE here and don't want to dive into extensive building until this issue is fixed. Maybe I just need to find other assets to use? I believe these are just built in assets. I didn't like the appearance of the JVC trees in the download station.

I am open to any/all suggestions! I appreciate the help!


Thanks for the suggestion! I have the same issue with those though unfortunately... The detail/appearance is great! The problem is the scale. For example, a 15 meter tree from rmm is literally 5-6 times taller than the locomotive very much like my screenshots. I might just have to pick and choose the trees that look OK size-wise. It's just an odd problem that is really bugging me...
...a 15 meter tree from rmm is literally 5-6 times taller than the locomotive...

That sounds about right to me for a largish tree. Those ones in the shot are definitely scaled a bit strangely though.

The best advice is to download a wide range of trees and then just pick and choose carefully which ones you use. I also think the rmm range provides a good variety of trees.
I too recommend the St_trees by RMM. I use them extensively on my New England routes.

I will say keep in mind that 1 meter = 39 inches so a 15 meter tree is quite tall at nearly 50 feet.

The problem with the built-in trees is there is no specific scale and they tend to vary in size depending upon how they are placed. You can place a small tree once and then place the same tree again and have it four times the size. It's how these trees were created in the Speed Tree Library.

If you definitely have trouble finding appropriate sized trees for your liking, I also recommend some older-style billboard trees by Clam1952. These are imaged trees rather than scalable 3d trees, and are made by placing images set at various angles in a star pattern. They have their advantages and disadvantages. If you do go for these trees, look for his T:ANE versions rather than the TS12. The build number for T:ANE-specific assets is 4.x rather than 3.x which is TS12.
Those twees shown are absolutely, outlandishly, unprototypically huge, like 300' high, and should be discarded from the CM, and removed from the DLS (as should most of the garbage Speed Twees with pointy stickerbush thornlike bwanch's thatill' poke yer' eye owt') ... Most speed twees are highly worthy of abortion, as they are absolute monstrosities that should have never been created in the first place ... most trees in PA are less that 10m high nowadays
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What we have today are new growth forests filling in what was once cleared for farms. This is why the trees are generally smaller in stature. We also have to remember too that most trees nowadays are only 10 meters tall because all the big ones were wiped out by folks building houses, furniture, and barns, or worse, burned as firewood.

I agree these huge monstrosities we have in T:ANE shouldn't be used, however, since many of them are built-in there's no way of removing them and they're probably used as dependencies of built-in routes anyways so the best thing is just don't use them in your own routes. This is why we use the trees by Oleghkim, RMM, Roys Trainz, and Mcguirel, and JVC. They are much better, as usual, than any built-in effort.
As a side note on the St_Trees from rmm... I did install the whole lot and found, by accident, that if I rotate the asset it rotates AND shrinks or grows depending on how I rotate it. Thanks for all the help folks! Back-doored a solution by accident!
Most speed twees are highly worthy of abortion, as they are absolute monstrosities that should have never been created in the first place

Don't hold back Cascade, tell us what you really think!

Yes, most of the earlier speed trees (designed for TS200?) were "not so good" - but there were still some gems. As designers got better at it and, presumably, the software improved, so did the trees. I now find that there are plenty of great speed trees on the DLS and now they are my preferred flora but, just as it was in the days before speed trees, you have to "pick and choose" what works for you and your particular layout. I will never go back to using "billboard" trees, particularly closer to the track.