Transferring to new computer


Active member
Got a new 'puter.....what do I have to transfer from the old machine to the new one to get all my work back?

Thanks in advance!
Got a new 'puter.....what do I have to transfer from the old machine to the new one to get all my work back?

Thanks in advance!
Assuming you're using TRS19 or 22...

Simply back up your data folder (by default, C:\users\[name]\AppData\Local\N3V Games\TRS[ver]\build [string of random letters]), and paste it into the same location on the new system (or wherever you want your content to be stored. I use a separate hard drive.).

Now from the Trainz launch window, go to Trainz Settings, to the "Install" tab, and make sure your data folder path matches exactly. If not, click [ ... ] and browse for the data folder you moved over. While you have the settings window open, go over to the "MyTrainz" tab and make sure you're signed into your Planet Auran account on the new install.

Wouldn't hurt to run a database rebuild (on the menu bar of the launcher, Developer > Rebuild Database) before launching, just to give the game a chance to sort everything out. Once the game launches, everything should be exactly how you left it.
