TrainzProRoutes. ???.


Active member
Does anyone know if this site is still alive. Is anyone minding the store?

I cant seem to remember my password to dowmlnload items. I know that most of the stuff is old but I am ccurrently limited to TRS2006.
Yes, I can get to the site. However, my efforts to download anything fail. I can't remember my password and the "Forgot Password" link is messed up. Is this a case of "another one bites the dust?" Or if someone can download, could I get some help getting some items from there?
When someone uses their ISP as an EMail source ... if you discontinue service, or if you move and change ISP providers ... your EMail goes PooF !

You should always use a reputable EMail source like Yahoo EMail

Your username and password should always be the same, globally (except for online banking and such) then you will always remember your UN & PW

Your UN & PW should be written down on a piece of masking tape on the box that your Trainz version came in, or handwritten down in a paper log book
When someone uses their ISP as an EMail source ... if you discontinue service, or if you move and change ISP providers ... your EMail goes PooF !

You should always use a reputable EMail source like Yahoo EMail

Your username and password should always be the same, globally (except for online banking and such) then you will always remember your UN & PW

Your UN & PW should be written down on a piece of masking tape on the box that your Trainz version came in, or handwritten down in a paper log book

I have used Gmail as my email program, with the same address for 7 years. User name is one of two. PW's get changed regularly.There issue was that I was getting error messages when trying to recover PW.
I believe that magicland (the owner of protrainz) still answers his trainz-related emails. Try shooting him one.

I followed the link but when I got to "download" and I had to sign in or register I could not enter any details at all.