Trainz unstall problem


I know this has been discussed at length but I am at the point of throwing myself under the nearest train in utter frustration !!
I have been running Trainz for about five years and have been overcoming the many and varied problems with both 2004 - 2006 and of course CMP.
I recently overcame the "saving problem" with the help of other Trainzers by renaming the route when saving - worked ok.
I have just installed Vista (I know) and when I installed Trainz 2006 and SP1 it all went very well - even CMP was working better than before.
The problem was with saving again and no matter what procedure I tried I lost anything added when exiting the route and going back to desktop.
I read the forum and decided on re-installing making sure everything was followed per advice and particularly "administrator" instructions. Before re-installing I did a complete "clean-up" including the registry.
The TRS 2006 seemed to be ok and without starting anything I tried to install SP1 (from CD) and kept getting the error "old file not found" many times and clicked ok (probably 50 times) neeedless to say the game will not now run (also error on start - SoundCore_7c.dll not found).
Any ideas or should I try going right back to TRS2004.
I miss Trainz and I think withdrawal symptoms are setting in !!!:'(
The Title should have read INSTALL problem of course - old age again to blame !!
I have now installed TRS 2004 with success so at the moment TRS 2006 can go back on the shelf - unless someone has an answer - it will have to be convincing because after NUMEROUS installs I am just not prepared to try 2006 again.
So much for progress - I wonder if 2009 will be problems all over again.:'(
Many users in the past, have reported issues installing SP1 for TRS2006, from CD. Copy the exectuable file for SP1 to your hard drive, and once you've reinstalled TRS2006, then install the hard drive copy of the SP1 immediately after it. Hopefully, this will fix your problems and allow you to get back into trainzing.
Thanks for the info - this rings a bell now somewhere in the memory bank - I will consider the possibility of re-installing TRS2006 - or at least trying it.
Thanks again.
Thanks again for the info - I re-installed TRS2006 and everything is working OK (even CMP) BUT I still cannot save.
This was an issue when I was using XP but on advice from the forum I was saving by re-naming the Route each time - this worked for a while and then this too became a problem.
When I save by either overwriting or renaming in either an original route (with the disc) or my own - I tested a new route with just one baseboard and a station - the save works until I return to the desktop and then it "disappears" and does not appear in CMP either.
As 90% of my Trainz usage is in Surveyor it is a problem and I do not want to wait for TRS2009 (may still do it anyway) - help is needed for an old fella just about to go down for the third time!!!
I have reinstalled about four times now "absolutely by the book".:wave: :'(
When saving are you first clicking on the Red Button ( save new route & session ) turning it green with the new name before clicking on the Green tick.If not it will appear to save save as long as you are in the game then it will not update when you close off.When you go back in the original will be the only one there not the newly named one.

I am running TRS2006 (Build 3337) under Vista and have no problem saving routes in Surveyor. Paul's advice will work but switching off UAC may affect other programmes that expect it (like 3D Canvas) and generates tedious M$ reminder messages every five mins.

Have you tried lauching TRS2006 by right clicking the desktop icon and selecting "Run as Administrator"? That's what I do - the software was also installed under Administrator rights and the first time I ran the programme rather than launch from the desktop I used Computer (the old Windows Explorer) to navigate to the folder, right click trs2006.exe (or whatever it's called) and run that as Administrator. That seems to have co-ordinated and set up everything to work correctly.

I do agree though that Vista is a bloated load of old horse hockey - on my standalone laptop which is used just by myself and only connected to the internet as required, I don't want or need all these un-necessary security and programme lauch checks.
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Thanks Vern and the other "constructive" replies - much appreciated - I have only run Vista for a couple of weeks and it does get some getting used to - I find some of the security "over the top" but if as Vern says you adopt the required procedure it seems to work ok.
I am now able to save and the CMP has never worked so fast !!
The comment that Vista Stinks is non productive and does absolutely nothing to help - except perhaps to give vent to the writer's feelings - so what ?