trainz spotters?? make them flash you


virtual GNER driver
i was wondering, something when runnins a downloaded route.

at a few spots there was a parked car and a few people facing the tracks, im guessing they are ment to be train spotters.

this got me wondering

how easy would it be to make a person and when the train is 10-20 ft away a flash (as in taking a picture) so these trainz spotters seem more real. im not a content builder so im not to sure how to it would be made but im thinking maybe as a track object like a signal, maybe set to stand 10ft away from the track and 10ft away from where you set them on the track so that when they take a picture of your train going past it seems to take a picture of the loco and not a coach. im guessing that you would have to make a few differnt ones using different people.

use stock trainz people
one set 10ft to the left of the track
one set 20
one set 30 (so that they can be set to take picture of the other lines too)

set them 10ft away from the trigger that set off the flash

im just guessing how it would be done, but am i on the right track??

i can make it but i was wondering if anyone would or how many other would want them?

good idea or bad one??
I'm not a noticible content creator either, but it doesn't sound hard. Just a trackside object set about 5 meters from the track with a light that blinks once a minute while a train is in the trigger circumference. You'd only see the first flash while you pass.
Does anyone feel like experimenting with this?

:cool: Claude
again, not being a content creator....

I would think someone would be able to make it like a RR crossing. or just a single trackside object and eliminate the need of a trigger.

no, it will blind him/her and that person then cannot see the signals, and may SPAD, or it could be worse of course, the driver could hit another train if they passed it at danger

taking a picture with flash is not allowed in the UK for trains for this very reason
I had to laugh when I saw the subject line of this topic. At one time, I worked for the Illinois Central in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I started off as switchman, then moved to brakeman and eventually conductor on a through freight from Baton Rouge to New Orleans (#96 & #97, from North Baton Rouge to Harahan Yard). The routing took us along the Mississippi levee and right past the dorms at Louisiana State University.

We usually departed about 8 PM, and tied up in Harahan at anywhere from 4AM to 10AM, depending on how much switching we had to do in between. At any rate, we seldom passed the girls' dorms at LSU without at least a couple of the girls flashing us from their windows...and I don't mean cameras, LOL. Anyone who's worked for the railroads will probably tell you the same kind of tale. There's just something about a train passing by that brings that kind of behavior out in people, I suppose ;) We got quite a few shows from just regular homes along the tracks, as well.
I had to laugh when I saw the subject line of this topic. At one time, I worked for the Illinois Central in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I started off as switchman, then moved to brakeman and eventually conductor on a through freight from Baton Rouge to New Orleans (#96 & #97, from North Baton Rouge to Harahan Yard). The routing took us along the Mississippi levee and right past the dorms at Louisiana State University.

We usually departed about 8 PM, and tied up in Harahan at anywhere from 4AM to 10AM, depending on how much switching we had to do in between. At any rate, we seldom passed the girls' dorms at LSU without at least a couple of the girls flashing us from their windows...and I don't mean cameras, LOL. Anyone who's worked for the railroads will probably tell you the same kind of tale. There's just something about a train passing by that brings that kind of behavior out in people, I suppose ;) We got quite a few shows from just regular homes along the tracks, as well.

Well, when you say 4-10AM, I think alchohol could be a factor
uh Euphod. i have been inside an a Geep unit and there is no steering wheel. now days the train has a "mind" that automatically stops before a signal or a switch and the turns it.