Trainz running slow - could it be Shockwave Player?


Recently I have had issues with Firefox browser. It started with a pop-up "Firefox has blocked out-of-date plugin Flashplayer from running. Allow once? Allow and Remember?" This has been for a few weeks, I have always said "allow".

Past couple of days I have had Firefox give another pop-up "Unresponsive script. Continue? Stop Script?" This has appeared for only about 1 sec before disappearing again, so I have not had time to click either option. but it kept on re-appearing every minute or so. This has meant that Firefox has become all but unusable, and has to be killed with Task Manager.

I think I have sorted it by downloading and re-installing Shockwave Player (Although Firefox is still saying it is out-of-date).

At the same time as all this has been going on, Trainz has started to run slow after running for a few minutes. At first I thought it was producing an autosave, but no autosave versions of the route have appeared, and the slow running/hesitation has continued.

Are these problems related? Could it be anything else?

Never say never but most unlikely. Unresponsive script usually mean that the website you are trying to access or more likely the connection to it is very slow and your browser is beginning to time out. If the warning then disappears it means the connection has speeded up and the browser time out period, which you can adjust, is no longer being exceeded. Unless you are running CM or Trainz is updating its load on the Web is practically nothing. However everything you running is all sharing your limited computer resources and Trainz does tend to appreciate all it can get.

You could always try turning off auto-save (remembering to turn it back on again) and/or booting your computer from cold i.e. mains power off, and without running your browser or anything else come to think of it see if you get any better results running Trainz. Peter
Thanks Peter

It seems to have cured itself! I'm still getting the slow running, but it clears after a minute or two. It may have been the autosave feature together with background processes on the computer. I'll keep an eye on it, although as you say it now seems unlikely Shockwave was the cause. Just coincidence that it seemed to start at around the same time as the problems with Firefox/Shockwave.