Trainz Questions


Hello All

since I am once again a newbe, I wanted to start 1 thread and ask a few questions. I'll add to this as they come up so it's kept clean.
Forgive me if any are presented elsewhere. Links are sooo welcome.
Last time I did any of this was for T2006 & T2009.

1. Can we still reskin? I remember we could substitute a texture and change any car to any other type. Is this still possible?
Ref. Link:

2. I also remember talk of a weather changer becoming available in the future (back then) that could add snow flurries when you drove into the mountains. I think it was based on a trigger.

3. Creating consists in Driver. I tried showing a friend Trainz last night and we could not figure out a way to build a consist in Driver.
I can choose one from the list but not create one. So this morning I tried creating a few in Surveyor and save them to the list that flies out from the right side.
They don't show up in Driver. Ok, then I read the message that I need to go into Options and set it up.
What a pain in the neck!!
I had to go back and search the cars then write them all down.

Is there no way to copy and see what I'm creating? I don't know what these cars are called.:hehe: And I found out the search is case sensitive.(A few less hairs).

What am I missing?
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That weather changer was called "Trainz regional weather rule" and was available up to 04. It did work very well. But thereafter, it does not work and Auran has not made any efforts to adapt. I have posted about this innumerable times here, but to no avail. And yes: I had sunshine at the beaches and snow on top of my mountains at the same time! All triggered by a passing train.
.......Can we still reskin? I remember we could substitute a texture and change any car to any other type. Is this still possible?....

You can reskin by cloning the asset (in CM*), opening it for "Edit in Explorer" and editing the .tga files using a (freeware) editor like Paint.Net or GIMP (or a payware graphics editor if you have one already).

Note: Reskins are considered to be for personal use only, unless you have the permission of the original author to release them to the DLS etc.
CRAP! I was so hoping I could change the weather.
There is no way to script the weather?

It took me a sec, itareus. That would not count if it is a Auran original, yes?
A common boxcar for example as I did my Kellogg's one.
2. I also remember talk of a weather changer becoming available in the future (back then) that could add snow flurries when you drove into the mountains. I think it was based on a trigger.

There is a rule called Set Driver Conditions, and allows you to change the timerate, weather and swich between DCC and Cab controls, while in driver. I use it for all the routes I make.