Trainz new era


New member
Hi all

I don't realy like the way trainz new era as ti is not like 2012 where you have people on the station and loading you can see this happening.

Trainz new era has great graphics and all but it is a bit boring and then there is the download station you download from it and most things are fauilty. I think I might stay with 2012 unless they plain on fixing this.

Thank you
Hi all

I don't realy like the way trainz new era as ti is not like 2012 where you have people on the station and loading you can see this happening.

Trainz new era has great graphics and all but it is a bit boring and then there is the download station you download from it and most things are fauilty. I think I might stay with 2012 unless they plain on fixing this.

Thank you

Remember what you are seeing today is really a beta version, and not the full product. The developers still have some work cut out for them for the release in February which is supposed to address a lot of issues including compatibility with older content.

Yes I must say that I have spoken to some of the development team and the version you see at present is far from what you can expect with the final product, the simple reason for its release was one to give the trainz community a well I suppose a little insight into the game and two to show some and I quote some of the features of TANE so I would not fret about this being the final or even close to the final product, definitely something to look forward to.
Yes I must say that I have spoken to some of the development team and the version you see at present is far from what you can expect with the final product, QUOTE]

I hope this is the case with chase view. Previously I could zoom in to just the right distance for me. Now it makes a discrete jump from being too close in to being too far out.

Les Hellawell