trainz in surveyor asking for more disk space to save


New member
I just installed a 750 gig ssd drive on my computer and have 400 gigs free why is trainz saying I need more disk space to save my work on my route in surveyor???
have 400 gig free on ssd and 112 gig free on 2nd drive this route is big though joined Cajun pass to Barstow then Barstow to Mohave sub division route with actual milage approx. 200 miles
To locate your data folder, go to Trainz Settings on the Launcher, then choose the Install tab. Look for the path shown for the label 'Local data folder'.
As an example, my location is shown as being at C:\TANE\Userdata. Yours could well be elsewhere.

Note: If it is in your C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\N3V Games\TANE folder (the default) then you will need to get Windows Explorer to 'Show hidden folders and files'
Have you got backups in the user options set to more than 1? This will chew up your hard drive space faster than a hungry cat with a plate of chicken pieces.
eruffins -
can i move the data folder to another location????
Absolutely - and in most cases I recommend that you do remove it from its default installation location in your C:\Users\<UserName>\Appdata\Local\N3V Games\TRS19 folder and place it into a dedicated folder (descriptively named) on your biggest, fastest SSD or internal Hard Disk Drive.
On my rig I have multiple multi-terabyte hard drives, mostly SSDs, and each contains self-contained installations of Trainz programs (TRS19_Platinum; TRS19 Std: T:ANE, etc.) The version of Trainz that I use most for route and session creation is on my fastest SSD, which really makes a perceptible difference to loading times and database repairs, smooth gameplay, etc.
It's also ok to split the program files off from your user data folder and files too. (Example: Have a C:\TRS19 folder for the program files - and D:\TRS19_UserData for your large number of Local User Data files/ DLS and DLC packages, etc.).