trainz effects


New member
I notice I have lost some of my effects. I am running 2006 and suddenly I have no smoke from the locos. I just noticed it today and don't know if it just started or not. The air brakes are quiet also when I release them. What can I do to get these back?

I had this happen to me some time ago and the help desk was no help. In the end I had to REINSTALL. My advice, save everthing that you want to keep and bite the bullet. Everything I tried was a failure so save yourself a lot of trouble and aggravation and reinstall now.
Thanks for the advice (even tho I didn't like it) you are probably right.
I am in the process of making a route and need to know where these are stored. I can't find it to save it.

find the route you named in cmp If you have TRS 06, then you right click on it and hit save to cdp. and poof you have asaved content
Okay thanks. Now when I want to put it back in how do I do that? I'm sure these are stupid questions but I want to make sure I know what I am doing before I do it. Bad enough to have to do it but to lose my route in the process would really make me angry.:(

It saved in cdp okay but I clicked on it as a test to see if it would install but it did nothing!
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You can drag and drop in into CMP or use the FILE option and draw it in that way. It would be like installing any content in CMP.
It shows that it installed and shows on the main page but when I go to surveyor it is NOT there. I'm getting worried. I think I may have lost it already and I haven't even reinstalled trainz.

It shows that it installed and shows on the main page but when I go to surveyor it is NOT there. I'm getting worried. I think I may have lost it already and I haven't even reinstalled trainz.

if you can see it in the main list try to clone it this in effect will give you another version with a different kuid number.
if you have a problem saving it to Cdp you should try to Archive it which you can then save and use to reinstall once you have reinstalled 06 and SP1
I cloned it and archived it. Then I did a complete reinstall of 2006 and sp1. Now I have my smoke back but I guess I lost my route I was building:'( I had it saved in cdp and it shows on the main page but NOT in surveyor. Nothing shows in archives.
I tell you I have the D#$^$%#^#%% dest luck with cmp. Sometimes I would like to forget trainz altogether!:(
I cloned it and archived it. Then I did a complete reinstall of 2006 and sp1. Now I have my smoke back but I guess I lost my route I was building:'( I had it saved in cdp and it shows on the main page but NOT in surveyor. Nothing shows in archives.
I tell you I have the D#$^$%#^#%% dest luck with cmp. Sometimes I would like to forget trainz altogether!:(
Can I ask if you tried 1 with Cmp open go to file and import the Cdp or
2 click on the archive you made let it extract into CMP and don't forget to commit.
One or both of these may get your layout back .
By the way did you back up and then reinstall the local folder if you did, did you remove the assets.tdx file then re lunch CMP and wait for the data base to be rebuilt ? as doing this may get you the layout back if the other methods fail.
I didn't know about the local so I didn't do that. I did try to import but I will try it again. The archive file has nothing in it even tho I archived it. Like I said my route shows on the main page of cmp so it IS there but for some reason it won't show up in surveyor. It is saved in cdp.


The status report says this is read only. Must be I did something wrong. Anyway, I guess it is gone. RATS!!!!
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I finally have accepted the fact that I lost my route but I wish someone could tell me what went wrong so it won't happen again.
I found my route in cmp, highlighted and saved to cdp. Then I uninstalled trainz and reinstalled and installed sp1.
I checked my save and the yellow icon was there that looks like an installer. I clicked on it and nothing happened so I dragged it into cmp and clicked on show on main page (which it did) I highlighted by right clicking and went to edit and commited. Then I clicked on show in surveyor but when surveyor came up the message said I had no map selected. Maybe I can furnish more info if anyone wants it.

Probably no one has an idea what happened but thanks for reading this. I have to get busy and start another route

Please let me know what happens. I'm interested in the outcome so that I don't make the same error. Thankz.
Well I dont think Sardon will mind me telling you but he made a mistake of only saving the session and did not save the layout or did not have a copy of it.
When you are working with a session always use save as and look at what is being saved you should always go with save session and layout, sometimes you will get a message asking if you want to overwrite the layout click yes as this will save what you have changed in the session.
Always make a copy of the layout/session so that if things do go wrong you at least have a back up.
If Robins Hood hadn't explained it to me I never would have known what happened. When I sent it to him and he said it was the session only, a lightbulb went off over my head and I realized what I had done. Anyway, my route that I lost was relatively young yet so I will recover from it. I will remember now about saving often with a backup.
