Trainz Classics Shots and a Theory


No Friend requests please

My theory has to do with global warming, bad weather, and heavy rainfall in the Northeast......


I haven't been following the weather back East, but these shots show all the trademark symptoms of flooding on a massive scale.......roads washed out, and covered in silt, housing foundations weakening.......


.......roads undermined....concrete softened...houses sliding down hills.....and a general brown muck covering the landscape.

I didn't realize the Northeast had it so bad this year........:eek:

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I also noticed the clouds were RACING across the sky, it has to be part of a weather system not seen in hundreds of years!
Gezz the homes in the photos were just siding allover the place. Not to mention sinkholes and other kinds of mayhem, the game wasn't shipped like this was it?
I have a thoery on that:

Usually 100 percent of something is preferable, but not when it comes light intensity and contrast on a computer monitor or screen. Then about 50 percent or it that range seems more reasonable.

I imagine, that people must be trainzing in the brightest of daylight or have the gamma setting of trainz pushed fully leftward? It could also be due to very special light conditions or a parcular local weather phenomenon, like earlier replies suggest.

Postpone :'( and monitor replacement, ramp the monitor settings down to 50% and you gamma up to 50%. Then more of us can enjoy thumbnails and screenshots without constantly fiddling with the settings.

My diagnosis could be wrong, but in that case: may the powers of enlightment have mercy on you. :mop:


Let us hope it is not your monitor Sir, that needs adjusting, because mine requires none.
The screens were taken while running one of the sessions that begins (as I recall) just before dawn. The sky is a bright, "tropical" affair, but the ground is pure mud.....the whole route......brown and lifeless and ridiculous for the area being portrayed. All this has been reported before by others.

And :'( ? Certainly not! More like :hehe: , because I received TC as a gift. I'm glad I didn't pay for such!

May the gods of humility have mercy upon YOU.

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My theory is different, Ed. :hehe: Shelving TC helps decrease Global Warming and support the Brisbane team for TRS2010. :p

At least, yours is a gift! :D

Take care,

Alberte :wave:
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It seems quality control is an optional extra :p
...or not available with the current model :confused:

Well, I wouldn't want to paint with a broad brush, the other route is beautifully done, artistically done even, but alas....those tiny electric trams do not interest me!
I think it was an airmass from Britian that did it... They drivers are going 6s and 7s as well!!!

this wasn't stock TC was it? :eek:

this was intentional, as the small angle and room made it nearly impossible to fit a road in their. The texturing is meant to look like road.

The houses are awkward to place and manipulate, but i didn't think one was on the tracks.:eek: