Trainz CE - Kickstarter County - Trees for life issue


New member
I ran the train for the first instruction to Fogart's End with the switches set for the siding to the wood chip loader and log unloading. I unloaded the logs and loaded the wood chips and the task is now 3/4 complete. The last task is to load lumber on the flat cars. The problem is I cannot get to the correct track to load the lumber. If I back my train back so I can switch to the correct siding I run a red light and fail. If I move forward the signal is red and if I proceed forward I run the red and the sessions ends. Has anyone been able to get to the siding to load the lumber or is this a bug?

Also to note but probably know to the developers the filling animation for the wood chips is incomplete. There is no visual indication that the car is full.
Just uncouple the flats, load them then couple, and the path will be set for you. Cars not showing load there are still bugs as long as the load icon goes out you are loaded.
Tried that start the first time and for some reason the dwarf signal remained red/red. I went back and tried it again and this time it worked. The only thing I could think was I decoupled too far away from the switch. Maybe the trigger is a bit sensitive. I noticed that some switches say they cannot be switch because it is in use by ai train even though I am clear of the switch. When I move a little bit more then it works. Also the decoupling it very touchy to get the mouse pointer in the right position. I find that I spend more time trying to decouple than anything else.
Tried that start the first time and for some reason the dwarf signal remained red/red. I went back and tried it again and this time it worked. The only thing I could think was I decoupled too far away from the switch. Maybe the trigger is a bit sensitive. I noticed that some switches say they cannot be switch because it is in use by ai train even though I am clear of the switch. When I move a little bit more then it works. Also the decoupling it very touchy to get the mouse pointer in the right position. I find that I spend more time trying to decouple than anything else.

There is still a bug in the screen resolution that makes switches, couplers, & moving from engine to another car a bit touchy. For switches using the "J" key when your are close to the junction make the task eaiser.