Trainz 22+ and route upgrade: aberration of the terrain


Well-known member
I've just attempted to upgrade one of my route (Vosges 2:458053:101070:2 where the reliefs were generated with TransDEM)

And here is what I get : enormous holes on the ground

An example :

Same thing from above :

Amazing, isn't it? How do we solve this problem?
As recommended, I upgraded the whole route at once to avoid this kind of defect.

I saw that happen with DEMs when I changed from T:ANE to TRS19. In that case just editing the route (maybe running then deleting a piece of track, but not trying to fix the problem) and saving fixed them all automagically. I don't know if this is the same issue though.
I've seen that in the past. In early Trainz versions right through T: ANE, but I haven't seen it since until your screenshot.

I had one of the great voids disappear by exiting and opening the route again without saving anything. This doesn't always work though. To fix this, if the exiting and returning, without saving, doesn't work, the only solution is to stitch this terrain together by using road splines placed across the opening. You set the height by clicking on the spline points and then smooth the ground underneath to raise the terrain up under the splines. Once the great chasm is closed in, use the plateau tool to smooth over the bump created by the stitches, I mean splines.

If you look carefully, you'll notice that this occurred right on the joint between baseboards.
Thank you for your answers.
Indeed I'm afraid I have no more solution but to manually fill the gaps ! And as my route is rather large, it will take time:(