Trainz 12 Not Shutting Down


New member
I run windows 8.1 I have two probs when using trainz 12 I can place things into the route and can save AS and the name I give it but when you go to exit back to routes or end game it fezzes and the only way is to use task master to end program. Prob 2 GFX Card is i.7 Gig and 8 Gig of ram which is the best resolution to run it at1024/768 or higher if I take it to the top trainz starts of ok but 5 mins in screen goes black but sound still there any help would be great all usual checks done but prob still there. Thank you in Advance.
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As far as I am aware and have learned from experience, never use Task Manager to shut Trainz down. Go to bed and leave it. Also after such an incident, at next start run a Extended DataBase Repair again if necessary go to bed. Unfortunately Trainz does occasionally look like it is locked up however it is generally doing its own thing. I am no expert just a user not even a power user although I have built some extensive routes.
I would like to add too that you should run TS12 as administrator under Windows 8.1 just as you did under Windows 7.

I'll second what Jack has to say too. Never, ever, do that to TS12 or Content Manager. Trainz Util and TADD are probably busy and you'll risk corrupting your data. If you are getting lock ups like this, there's most likely an underlying issue causing it. This could be hardware-related, such as a full or faulty hard drive, or even simpler and less catastrophic being a software problem such as icky-things happening with the OS, meaning viruses, data corruption, disk needing a defrag, or even corrupted Trainz TS12 data.

Now that you have done this to TS12, I suggest running a database repair. I'd go for the quick one first, and if you still have issues, go for the extended. Prepare for the long haul as both can take some time, so plan accordingly.
