Trains question


New member
Right the last trainz game I bought was trainz 2012.
Has there been a follow up game if so what is it and what is it like?
Yes there has been. Trainz:A New Era or more commonly refered to as T:ANE, sadly though, it requires a VERY good PC to run stably, I am one of the unlucky ones to not, but Trainz 12 serves me well.

T:ANE does feature train swaying, proper shadows as well as a few other features.
Like trainz 2012 can u have your old content like TANE as I got a lot of lands that I made and don't wanna start them all over again
Yes - to a certain extent.

Speedtrees for example may need to be replaced as the older type are not compatible with T:ANE. There may be other faulty assets as well due to the stricter error checking.

From 2012 to T:ANE

I have a Windows 10 PC with a 3.4 Gh Intel Core i7-2600 Processor, 8 Gb RAM, an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 display adapter and loads of disk space.

I am running Trainz 2012 at the moment, and it runs very smoothly on this PC. I thought I might buy T:ANE, but reading the few posts in this thread, together with comments seen in various other posts, it seems to me that there would be no worthwhile gain. That's assuming it would run on my PC anyway, which may not be the case.

SuperSpeedMaglev above, for instance, says "T:ANE does feature train swaying, proper shadows as well as a few other features", which makes it sound not very exciting.

Is T:ANE a big fuss about very little?
Is T:ANE a big fuss about very little?

There are those who would agree with that assessment. Others would not. It is certainly a "work in progress" with, so far, a 12 month gestation. I certainly hope that it will improve as more "updates" (i.e. fixes plus a few new features) are released. Personally, I prefer T:ANE to TS12 for driving as it shows almost no stutter on my system.

A great deal does depend on your system specs.
Most likely, T:ANE will run pretty well, especially if you turn off shadows. Your PC is quite a bit higher-spec than mine, and I can run highly-dense, urban and suburban routes with a 12km draw distance and still maintain decent framerates. I don't mind not having shadows much. OTOH, dial back the draw distance, you and probably can have shadows.

The swaying is pretty cool. I wish it carried over to external views.
For me, the frame rates and detail levels vary depending on the route. I am running a 3.5Ghz core i5 overclocked to 4.5Ghz, 16GB RAM, and a GeForce GTX 960 4GB gaming edition graphics card that is overclocked.

Some of the routes included in the Deluxe TANE I can run at maximum settings while others I have to scale back slightly. I always keep the draw distance at max.

On the ones that I scale back seems my CPU and RAM are more than adequate and that the bottle neck is caused by my GPU which can run quite hot at times even though it has 3 fans on it and my entire PC is an open air bench system with plenty of air flow. I'm not sure how hot is too hot and perhaps I have nothing to be worried about.

I may be wrong but it seems the new, highly detailed trees that actually sway in the wind can tax the GPU if the route is loaded with them. Not sure if Trainz12 had these or not as I came from 2009 version.

Overall, I am very happy with TANE and have very few issues or bugs with build 81318. I think it's real value is in it's potential for creators as with the new graphics engine.
Thanks for the views expressed in the above three posts. It seems that, for the ordinary Trainz user, TR2012 is good enough. It does some funny things now and then, like bits of track vanishing mysteriously, but then I go for very long routes which probably sometimes confuse the software. Certainly I find that stutter is rare, I don't enable shadows and I don't care if trees wave (some do in tr2012). The main improvement I would like to see is the enforcement of better labelling and descriptions in the Content Manager. Oh, and the "unable to plot path" message to indicate the particular consist and a way of clearing the messages when they've been read.

Excuse me, 16:10 container train is due out.
Thanks for the views expressed in the above three posts. It seems that, for the ordinary Trainz user, TR2012 is good enough. It does some funny things now and then, like bits of track vanishing mysteriously, but then I go for very long routes which probably sometimes confuse the software. Certainly I find that stutter is rare, I don't enable shadows and I don't care if trees wave (some do in tr2012). The main improvement I would like to see is the enforcement of better labelling and descriptions in the Content Manager. Oh, and the "unable to plot path" message to indicate the particular consist and a way of clearing the messages when they've been read.

Excuse me, 16:10 container train is due out.

Yea, Trainz 12 is still good. The only issue I have with it was the 61388 build that was pretty much the final patch for Trainz 12. Other than that, it's pretty much my go to trainz game for now until I finish my route and then merge it into T:ANE.

That's if.. I won't get any errors of obsolete content since I have some objects and signals for 2.9. :eek:

But still, if you wanted to upgrade to T:ANE. Go for it! :wave: