Trains dead stop


New member
Hi there,
I've got a few stations on my route "South Devon " and they seem to want to stop the train when I'm driving a through train or Non-stopper.
The consists seem to be arrested by some "invisible force"

The assets im using are operational stations for the Uk, I forget which ones, but this seems to be an ongoing issue I cannot find any references to the issue on the forumz either.
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It sounds like the experience I've had with the tafweb stations in '04.

The roofed Station_Through_2/4/8 series, the unroofed 2-track stations. They only stop user controlled trains that way. AI trains seem to pass through, when they should. Coming in at 60 mph and reaching the end of the platform, smack! Stops on the spot, most shocking.

The stations are controlled by script, so it should be fixable.

What do you actually need? Surely my pc specs won't aid you, as this is not a graphic/Hardware issue.

Im using Trainz 2006 and the problem is with the through stations, the AI trains are fine but user controlled ones stop dead.

What procedure would need to be followed in order to fix the problem.
I'm not a script type of person, but can more or less use Html with a certain degree of success, so I would assume notepad would be a sufficient editor.

Thanks again.
seems when I go into a map and freeroam then come back to my train it dead-stops. i also had a problem in another session where if i used the map at all the train would dead-stop.
This problem has been around for quite awhile and affects trains that are run using cab-control only. If you use DCC there's no problem.

I had posted a question about this on the old forum just before it went poofy.
